????ArchetypeMe的工作原理是怎樣的呢?要想注冊這個網站,首先要回答8道多項選擇題,比如:“我的朋友在哪種情況下會首先想到我?A:需要時尚方面的建議;B:需要一個可以哭泣的肩膀;C:想了解全球大事。”又或:“我忍不住要:A:幫助人;B:祈禱;C:從與眾不同的角度看問題。”在每個問題的10個選項中,用戶最多可以選擇3個答案。網站會由此了解用戶的心理“原型”——可能是知心大姐,也可能是時尚狂人,抑或是睿智達人。每個性別都有10種可能的原型,每個原型都有屬于自己的定制內容和社區頁面,下個月還將加入電子商務的內容。 ????通過這樣簡單的途徑就能了解你的“真我”,聽起來似乎太簡單了。不過曼登豪稱,在鑒定一個人的原型上,這個網站的準確率是85%。但ArchetypeMe公司花了好幾個月的時間研究這些個性測試題背后的算法和科學依據。這些題目最開始是由卡利諾在一個性格評估專家的幫助下編寫的,并且經過了直覺與原型學專家凱洛琳?梅絲以及一些行為心理學專家學者的審定。公司最后只敲定了8道題目和10個“原型”,以避免導致用戶無所適從。對原型理論感興趣的讀者可以訪問“Archepedia”網站。 ????盡管這是一個由數學算法構建起來的網站,但它事實上并不死板。曼登豪稱:“這不是一個一成不變的網站。”用戶很容易就可以更改自己的“原型”。(心理學家榮格認為,人的“原型”在真實生活也是會改變的。)卡利諾坦承這些原型可能并不適用于每一個人。她還舉了星座理論做例子,不過她補充道,“原型”是一種用來組織內容、簡單而全球通用的語言。 ????ArchetypeMe的另一個特征是它的內容。雖然Facebook、Twitter和YouTube等網站的內容都是由用戶自己貢獻的,打磨ArchetypeMe的基礎架構卻是基于一家媒體公司。這家公司的35名員工里有不少都是撰稿人、編輯和設計師出身,他們已經出版了20期叫做《每一天的我》(The Daily Me)的讀物,也就是每個原型一份。Archetype的出版資源和視頻資產也讓網站增色不少。到目前為止,他們已經出版了一本由凱洛琳?梅絲撰寫的著作。這本書共有244頁,而且目前還在創作一部20集的網絡電視劇,主角是CBS電視臺《今晨》(This Morning)節目的主持人李?伍德拉夫。梅絲的書和這部網絡劇都談到了“原型”理論。 ????ArchetypeMe的內容目前有70%是由網站自己制作的,曼登豪表示,這個比例以后可能會有所變化。這個網站的界面有點像另一個社交網站Pinterest,主要提供短小且易于分享的內容。它們大多是短帖,少有長篇文章,目標對象是各個不同的“原型”群體。比如對于“知心大姐”們,她們的頁面上就有《奧巴馬第一任期內的8個最佳擁抱》(The 8 Best Hugs of President Obama's First Term)、《給朋友的愛心食物》(Comfort Food for Friends)等網帖。有些帖子是專門談“原型”的,比如《原型一覽表》,還有些帖子給名人的“原型”進行了歸類的,比如安妮?海瑟薇是時尚狂人、伽利略和哈里王子是反抗者等等。還有些帖子與“原型”毫無關系(比如有一個視頻提供的是“超級碗”杯期間的聚會建議)。 ????曼登豪與網站總編輯麗莎?嘉伯希望把《每一天的我》的內容做成更大的、具有認知度的產品,并且擴展到其它媒體平臺。比如“時尚狂人”群組的《每一天的我》有一個每周專欄,取名“赤裸裸”(Bare Naked),由一位很有前途、但不愿透露真實姓名的外國時尚模特擔任主筆。網站方面相信,這個專欄上的文章可以改編成一個很好的網絡電視劇。用戶也可以通過“我”和“你”兩個按鍵發布、分享或把內容轉載到其它網站。不過當用戶發布或分享內容時,他們得先給內容劃分一個“原型”,曼登豪表示這樣可以形成一個數據點,最終幫助編輯對內容進行定制處理。 ????這家網站對自己的市場潛力充滿了信心,同時也相信它會更高效地把消費者和市場聯系在一起。比如曼登豪表示,精神主義者可能喜歡蠟燭、薰香或是其它宗教儀式用品,時尚狂人更喜歡讓他們自行設計時尚產品的營銷活動。曼登豪有信心發起一場在線廣告業革命。他認為,更加微妙的營銷能改善現狀——而現狀就是“網站讓我們同質化了。”那么曼登豪的原型是什么?毋庸多言,他屬于夢想家型。(財富中文網) ????譯者:樸成奎 |
????How does ArchetypeMe work? Signing up for the site begins with a multiple choice, eight-question quiz. The test asks users to complete statements like I'm first on my friends' list for: Fashion advice; a shoulder to cry on; world news, and I can't stop: Helping; praying; seeing things differently. Users can select up to three of 10 possible responses per question. The site then reveals the user's archetype, which can range from Caregiver to Fashionista (a Gentleman if you're male) or Intellectual. There are 10 possible archetypes per gender, each of which comes with its own customized content and community page. Commerce will be added next month. ????That may sound too simple a means to get to the "real you," but Mendenhall claims the process is 85% accurate in identifying a person's primary type. ArchetypeMe spent months honing the math and science behind the quiz, which was developed by Carlino with the help of a personality assessment expert and vetted by medical intuitive and archectype scholar Caroline Myss as well as behavioral psychologists and quants. The company settled on just eight questions and 10 archetypal families to avoid overwhelming users. Those interested in archetypes can explore the site's "Archepedia." ????Despite being rooted in math, ArchetypeMe is not as rigid as it may sound -- "this is not a site about stereotypes," says Mendenhall -- and the site makes it quite easy for users to change archetype. (By Jung's teaching, archetypes change in real life too.) Carlino acknowledges that archetypes might not be for everyone. She likens them to astrology but adds that they're a simple and universal language to organize content. ????Content is another of ArchetypeMe's distinguishing characteristics. While Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube (GOOG) began as platforms for user-generated content, ArchetypeMe launched with the infrastructure of a media company. Among the start-up's 35 employees are writers, editors, and designers who publish 20 editions of the "The Daily Me" -- one for each archetype. Archetype's publishing and video production properties augment the site's offerings; so far they've published a 244-page book by Caroline Myss and are midway through production of a 20-webisode series featuring CBS This Morning's Lee Woodruff, both on the subject of archetypes. ????ArchetypeMe currently produces about 70% of its own content, a figure Mendenhall says could shift over time. The site has the looks of Pinterest and features content that is short, shareable -- posts rather than articles -- and targets the various archetypal groups. The Caregiver page, for example, features "The 8 Best Hugs of President Obama's First Term" and a post on "Comfort Food for Friends." Posts across the site range from archetype-specific -- "Alphabet of Archetypes" and celebrity archetyping posts: Anne Hathaway is a Fashionista; Galileo and Prince Harry are Rebels -- to those that are not at all (a goofy video offering Super Bowl party tips). ????Mendenhall and the site's editor-in-chief, Lisa Gabor, hope to spin-off content from the various Daily Me's into larger, recognizable franchises and onto other media platforms. For example, the Fashionista's Daily Me has a weekly column, 'Bare Naked' penned by an anonymous up-and-coming foreign fashion model that they believe could translate well to a scripted Web series. Users can also post and share content from the site or the wider Web through 'Me' (as in, "this is so me") and 'You' buttons; when they do, the user must first archetype the content, a step that Mendenhall says will be a data point that ultimately helps editors customize content. ????The company is not shy about the marketing potential of the site, or the happy more efficient union it could bring consumers and the marketplace. For example, Mendenhall says Spirituals are into candles, fragrances, and other products that evoke ritual; Fashionistas meanwhile are more responsive to marketing that allows them to style products themselves. Mendenhall has ambitions to revolutionize online advertising. He sees more nuanced marketing as an improvement over the status quo -- "sites homogenize you," he says. His lead archetype? Visionary, naturally. |