


Michal Lev-Ram 2013-02-18

????即使你是三星Galaxy手機的用戶,你對這家公司的了解到底有多少?你知道三星公司(Samsung)的首席執行官是誰嗎?或者你能說出三星哪位高管的名字嗎?你是否清楚在三星工作是什么情況?你知不知道三星的營收是多少,或者這家公司是否對慈善機構進行過捐助?獨立市場調查公司哈里斯互動(Harris Interactive)的最新調查顯示,三星的用戶恐怕對上述問題并不清楚。

????關于消費者對智能手機之王三星電子的認知,上周二公布的哈里斯民意調查年度聲譽指數(Harris Poll Reputation Quotient)有一些新發現。韓國公司三星電子的智能手機銷量和在消費者中的品牌認知度雙雙飆升。在2011年的調查中,當被要求列舉最“醒目”的公司時,受訪者根本沒有提到三星。而在最近這項調查中,三星不僅榜上有名,而且在“產品物超所值”等類別中甚至排在蘋果(Apple)前面。但這項調查也發現,盡管三星聲名鵲起,但消費者們除了越來越多地購買和使用它的智能手機、平板手機和平板電腦,對于這家公司本身卻知之甚少。雖然三星近來發展迅猛,但這個信息缺口可能會帶來問題。


????弗朗克建議,三星應著力于彌補自身“短板”—— 同媒體和消費者分享公司和領導層的信息,而不只是專注于產品。作為一家位于韓國的全球性企業集團,三星在美國處于劣勢,但它可以克服這個挑戰 【它不妨借鑒豐田(Toyota)和本田(Honda)的經驗,兩者同為亞洲公司,但都已成為北美消費者的大愛】。不過,要成為不僅有實體產品,而且還有廣義企業形象而聞名于世的品牌,三星的路還很漫長。



????三星為什么應該更多地展露 “企業形象”?因為每家公司都有馬失前蹄的時候(這事問問蘋果就知道了)。一旦三星犯錯,記得三星形象的消費者或許會寬容些。


????Even if you use a Galaxy phone, how much do you really know about the company that made it? Can you name Samsung's chief executive officer? Or, for that matter, any of the conglomerate's top leaders? Do you have any sense for what it's like working for Samsung? Do you know how much money it makes or whether it gives any of that money away to charities? Probably not, finds a new survey from Harris Interactive.

????The annual Harris Poll Reputation Quotient, published Tuesday, sheds some new light on consumers' perceptions of smartphone king Samsung Electronics. The Korean company has seen a meteoric rise in smartphone sales and in consumer awareness of its brand. In 2011, respondents didn't even mention Samsung when asked to name the most "visible" companies. In this most recent survey, Samsung not only made the list, it also topped Apple (AAPL) in categories like "products providing great value." But the survey also found that, while Samsung's reputation has significantly improved, there is a lot consumers don't know about Samsung -- beyond the smartphones, phablets and tablets they are increasingly purchasing and using. And that information gap, despite the company's recent growth, could turn out to be a problem.

????"It's uncommon, going from completely unmentioned to one of the strongest," says Robert Fronk, executive vice president at Harris Interactive. "But it's a tenuous hold. When you are one-dimensional you tend to fall off quickly."

????Fronk suggests Samsung should work on developing its "softer side" -- sharing its corporate and leadership story, not just focusing on products in its outreach to media and consumers. As a Korea-based, global conglomerate, it is at a disadvantage in the U.S., but it can overcome this challenge (just look to Toyota (TM) and Honda for examples of Asia-based companies that have become beloved brands in North America). And becoming a brand that's known not just for specific products but for a broader corporate identity takes time.

????"Apple built its reputation over time," says Fronk. "Eventually people made the jump from loving their iPods to loving and respecting Apple."

????Of course, Apple has a network of its own retail stores where customers can interact with Apple employees and get first-person look at the company's style -- down to its detail-oriented approach and minimalistic design. Samsung has opened up a handful of "Galaxy Studios," where consumers can play around with its devices, though they are ultimately directed to nearby carrier stores to actually make purchases. The company has also made efforts to build its presence in the Silicon Valley, where many members of the tech media reside.

????Why should Samsung care about showing more of its "corporate face?" Every company fumbles sometimes (just ask Apple). And when Samsung does, customers who can connect a face to the name may be just a tad more forgiving.

????From the survey:



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