Stephen Gandel

4. 泰森的拳擊 ????摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)訴訟案中公布的郵件透露,該公司的投資銀行家們考慮將一宗行將破產的抵押債券命名為“邁克?泰森的拳擊”(一款上世紀80年代的電子游戲)。其它備選名字包括浩劫余生、次貸危機和屎蛋。他們最后選擇了“STACK 2006-1”這個名字。真是明智之舉。 |
4. Mike Tyson's Punchout ????According to e-mails uncovered in a suit against Morgan Stanley (MS), investment bankers at the firm considered naming a mortgage bond that ended up going bust after the 1980s video game Mike Tyson's Punchout. Other names put forth for consideration were nuclear holocaust, subprime meltdown and shitbag. They went with STACK 2006-1. Good choice. |