Stephen Gandel

3. 混亂隊長 ????瑞銀(UBS)的倫敦銀行同業拆借利率交易員在操縱利率時會給同事取上很多昵稱,混亂隊長(Captain Chaos)就是其一。電影《炮彈飛車》(Cannonball Run)一片中,多姆?德盧西在危險時刻會變身成這個可愛的超級英雄。不明白這幫人為何會取這個名字。操縱利率似乎不需要什么超能力,只要打個電話,或者發封郵件,然后再有一個老掉牙的昵稱就行了。還錢!還錢!馬上還錢! |
3. Captain Chaos ????One of the nicknames UBS's libor traders used for each other when they were fixing rates was Captain Chaos, the lovable alter-ego of Dom DeLuise in the Cannonball Run movies. Not clear why. Libor fixing didn't appear to have taken much super strength, just a phone call or an e-mail and a dated nickname. Dun dun Dunnn. |