????約翰?克拉富西克:現代汽車 ????本來,克拉富西克的職業生涯可謂一路順風順水——從麻省理工大學(MIT)的研究員一路做到現代汽車(Hyundai Motor)美國分公司的首席執行官兼總裁。但2012年,他就沒那么走運了,因為這家韓國汽車廠商被發現夸大了11款車型的行駛里程。據傳,克拉富西克過去也曾抨擊過其他廠商宣稱的行駛里程數,但于事無補。不過這場風波并沒有讓現代汽車的上升勢頭明顯減緩——12月份,它的銷量還是增長了17%——但可以肯定的是,克拉富西克2013年將會更加密切地關注行駛里程數——以及其他所有細節。 |
????8. John Krafcik: Hyundai ????Krafcik's golden career cruise -- from MIT researcher to Hyundai Motor America CEO and president -- hit a rock in 2012 when the Korean automaker was found to be overstating mileage claims on 11 of its models. It didn't help that Krafcik had been heard in the past to disparage the mileage claims of other manufacturers. The brouhaha didn't noticeably slow Hyundai's ascent -- sales up 17% in December -- but you can bet Krafcik will be watching the mileage numbers -- and everything else -- more closely in 2013. |