Alex Taylor III

????斯蒂夫?奧德爾:福特汽車 ????奧德爾是福特(Ford )歐洲分公司的總裁兼首席執行官。除了本職工作,他還承擔了管理中東和非洲市場的職責。不過他可沒什么時間觀光游覽。去年10月,福特宣布關閉比利時亨克的大型工廠。工會隨后設置了路障,連續三個月不允許整車外運。如果福特還要這么大幅削減產能,奧德爾恐怕整年都得花在撲滅這類抗議活動上。 |
????4. Steve Odell: Ford ????Odell added responsibility for the Middle East and Africa to his duties as chairman and chief executive of European operations, but he hasn't had time for much sightseeing. After Ford (F,Fortune 500) announced plans in October to close its big plant in Genk, Belgium, unions put up a blockade and wouldn't allow the shipment of finished cars for three months. If Ford is to maintain its aggressive schedule of capacity reduction, Odell can expect to spend the year putting out similar brushfires. |