


Nina Easton 2013-01-28
達沃斯論壇剛剛閉幕,盡管其主題是 “為持久發展注入活力”,但根據《財富》特派記者的觀察,2013全球經濟前景未明,再加上近年頻發的自然災害,多數與會者的的神經都繃得太緊了,達沃斯的對話和研究報告里無不是混亂、脆弱等辭令。或許預示著我們將繼續迎來艱險的一年。


????世界經濟論壇與沃頓商學院(Wharton School)、牛津大學(Oxford)和蘇黎世保險公司(Zurich Insurance Co.)等合作,發布了其對全球風險的看法,開篇即談論收入嚴重不平等的后果。

????接下來,這份報告還列出了一些重大風險,包括未經過濾的互聯網信息高速傳播可能引爆群體性恐慌——在當今社會,它造成的危害可能遠超1938年基于喬治?威爾斯的小說《世界大戰》(The War of the Worlds)改編而成的廣播劇風波,當年以假亂真的廣播劇曾讓成千上萬的聽眾誤以為美國真的已被火星人入侵而倉皇出逃。


????在這些紛繁的煩憂之中,幸好還有一些令人心生希望的消息:2013年Edelman Trust Barometer對全球26個市場31,000名受訪者進行的調查顯示,公眾對政府和企業的信賴在上升。


????In the U.S., CEOs add to that equation their fears of higher taxes and the regulatory uncertainty caused by the 884-page Dodd Frank financial legislation (23 times as long as Glass-Steagall was, the report notes).

????The World Economic Forum, in partnership with the Wharton School, Oxford and Zurich Insurance Co., among others, released its own take on global risks, starting with the fallout from severe income inequality.

????That report goes on to catalog a set of nerve-wracking fears, including the possibility that hyper-fast, unfiltered Internet communication could set off a firestorm wave of panic—a modern day, and far more destructive, version of the 1948 radio adaption of H.G. Wells novel The War of the Worlds that convinced listeners the U.S. had been invaded by Martians.

????And topping that: Killer bacteria, outpacing medicine's ability to produce new generations of antibiotics, could fuel a deadly pandemic.

????Against this grim backdrop is some hopeful news: The 2013 Edelman Trust Barometer, a survey of 31,000 respondents in 26 markets around the globe, shows that public trust in government and business is on the rise.

????The bad news (and, of course, there must be bad news): Those levels of trust remain depressingly low.


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