


JP Mangalindan 2013-01-06


????2012年年末,全新的黑莓10在越南網站Tinh Te上曝光。BusinessInsider的照片展示的據傳是美國電話電報公司(AT&T)和威瑞森公司(Verizon)版本的黑莓手機。它與一部iPhone 5放在一起,外形格外炫目,看起來很像是三星公司(Samsung)的Galaxy手機和蘋果手機的進化產品。

????黑莓手機生產商RIM預計將于1月30日正式揭開新手機以及黑莓10操作系統的神秘面紗。 BusinessInsider的內部消息人士透露,這款新手機的做工品質極高,它的功能將對黑莓傳統用戶產生強大吸引力,如擁有兩種模式,可分別用于工作和私人用途。據稱它的開機時間僅需一分鐘。

????截至2012年年末,RIM的狀況與其長期以來的狀況相比出現了向好的勢頭(相對而言)。這家公司第三財季的業績顯示,手機出貨量低于分析機構的預期【690萬部,而不是富國銀行(Wells Fargo)預測的750萬部】,同時失去了100萬名訂戶。這個情況頗為糟糕,這也是絕大多數觀察人士現在已經習以為常的消息了。有沒有什么好消息呢?RIM提前一個季度完成了10億美元的成本削減目標。它那痛苦不堪的裁員已經完成了75%。它意味著這家飽受挫折的公司目前狀況良好,正準備進行公司有史以來最重要的產品發布活動。



????BusinessInsider is claiming to have seen the rarest of devices: new BlackBerries intended to take on Apple and Google head-to-head.

????Images of the new BlackBerry 10 gizmo leaked from Vietnamese site Tinh Te at the end of 2012. BI's photos, which show purported BlackBerry devices from AT&T (T) and Verizon (VZ) side by side with an iPhone 5, depict a super-sleek gadget that looks like the offspring of a Samsung Galaxy and Apple's (AAPL) phone.

????RIM is expected to formally take the wraps off the new device as well as the BlackBerry 10 operating system on January 30. BI's tipster notes that the build quality of the phone is very high and that it has features that are likely to appeal to traditional BlackBerry customers, including the ability to use the phone in separate modes for work or personal use. It reportedly only takes one minute to boot.

????RIM ended the year in a better position (relatively) than it has in a long time. Its FQ3 2013 results showed fewer handsets shipped than analysts had hoped (6.9 million versus an estimate of 7.5 million by Wells Fargo, for example) and lost about 1 million subscribers. That's the bad news, which most observers of the company are used to by now. The good? RIM achieved its targeted $1 billion in savings a quarter ahead of time. Its painful staff reductions are about 75% complete. That means the battered company is in decent shape going into what will surely be the most important product launch in its history.

????If these are indeed the devices debuting at the end of the month, do you think BlackBerry will have what it takes to compete with Apple?


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