英特爾電視 ????我們掌握的情況:只言片語。本周《華爾街日報》(The Wall Street Journal)有報道稱,英特爾(Intel)負責電視戰略的團隊——也就是所謂的“英特爾媒體”(Intel Media)縱隊——由曾就職于英國廣播公司(BBC)以及微軟(Microsoft)的公司副總裁埃里克?胡格斯領導。正在開發的機頂盒可能具備語音和面部識別以及社交功能,能更好地打造多用戶的“共享體驗”。另外,英特爾還在考慮“虛擬運營商”方案,即在互聯網平臺提供一系列電視節目,這和他們目前的解決方案很像。 ????預計上市時間:原本是2012年年底,但被證實與瑪雅人的世界末日預言一樣不靠譜。現在呢?從2013年年中到年底都有可能。換言之:尚不清楚。 |
Intel TV ????What we know: Not a whole lot. According to areport this week from The Wall Street Journal, the group in charge of Intel's (INTC) TV strategy, dubbed Intel Media, is run by Erik Huggers, a corporate VP who once worked for the BBC and Microsoft (MSFT). A set-top box may be in the works touting speech and face recognition, as well as social features, making for more of a "shared experience" with multiple users. Intel's also kicking around an idea called the "virtual operator," which would basically offer TV channels in Internet bundles similar to the way they're offered today. ????ETA: Originally end of 2012, but that proved about as accurate as the Mayan apocalypse. Now? Anywhere from mid-2013 to end-of-the-year. In other words: unclear. |
蘋果電視 ????我們掌握的情況:各種傳言滿天飛。我們能確定的是,蘋果(Apple)肯定有動作。蒂姆?庫克在2012年底接受美國全國廣播公司(NBC)的布賴恩?威廉斯采訪時就有所暗示。他說:“當我走進客廳,打開電視,我感覺自己好像穿越到了二三十年前。這是一個很有意思的領域。我只能說這么多。”這算是證實嗎?算不上。但鑒于蘋果公司最近承認正對產品開發加倍保密,這恐怕是我們可能聽到的該公司最肯定的回答了。這款電視機或者電視服務最終是什么面貌,誰都不知道。或許會是一款由蘋果公司設計的真正的電視機,具有別出心裁的軟件界面與精巧的外觀,兩者交相輝映。 ????當然,狂熱粉絲們做了不少展望。“我們預期美觀的設計會是一個看點,但最重要的特色還是能使用電視作為客廳多重設備的主接口。” ????投資銀行Piper Jaffray的吉恩?蒙斯特的報告中寫道。蒙斯特認為,電視將包含Siri和FaceTime的功能,但不會有獨立銷售的電視頻道。《財富》雜志(Fortune)甚至嘗試著列舉了《蘋果電視必備的11項功能》。 ????預計上市時間:蒙斯特預計,該設備可能在2013年11月假日銷售季前上市。售價將在1,500到2,000美元之間,屏幕尺寸將在42英寸到55英寸。如果他說的沒錯,那么只有五個字送給大家:開始存錢吧。 ????譯者:項航 |
Apple TV ????What we know: The rumors just won't die. What we do know is Apple (AAPL) is certainly cooking upsomething there. Tim Cook just about hinted as much in an interview with NBC's Brian Williams at the end of last year. "When I go into my living room and turn on the TV, I feel like I have gone backwards in time by 20 to 30 years," Cook said. "It's an area of intense interest. I can't say more than that." Confirmation? Not quite. But as close as a "yes" as we'll probably ever get from a company that also recently admitted it's doubling down on secrecy when it comes to product development. And what that TV device/service will ultimately look like is anyone's guess. Maybe it'll be an actual TV set designed by Jony Ive & Co. with an inventive software interface to rival its inevitably slick physical appearance. ????There are certainly no shortage of fanboy mock-ups in that area. (See here or here.) "We expect the beauty of the design to be a feature, but the most important feature will be the ability to use the TV as the main interface for the living room across multiple devices," writes Piper Jaffray's Gene Munster in a report this week. Munster thinks the TV will include Siri and FaceTime features but not unbundled channels. Fortune even took a crack at coming up with 11 features the Apple TV must have. ????ETA: Munster expects such a device could arrive this November in time for the holiday season, priced somewhere between $1,500 and $2,000 with screen sizes in the 42"-55" range. If he's right, three words: start saving now. |