福特“油耗門” 今年12月,《消費者報告》雜志(Consumer Reports )和一些獨立評測人員發現,福特的Fusion和C-Max混合動力車的實際油耗也與廠家宣稱的數字不符。廠家宣稱福特Fusion和C-Max的油耗為每加侖47英里,但實測后發現,Fusion每加侖汽油只能跑39英里,C-Max更是只能跑37英里。福特則回應稱:“駕駛方式、駕駛環境和其它因素都能導致油耗變化。”美國環保局(EPA)表示將介入調查,而一旦確定福特的確涉嫌虛假陳述,福特可能將面臨民事處罰。 譯者:樸成奎 |
Hypermiling, lap #2 In December, Consumer Reports and some independent reviewers found that Ford's Fusion and C-Max hybrids can't match their mpg claims either. Instead of the 47 mpg Ford (F, Fortune 500) claimed, the Fusion got 39 mpg in real-world testing, and the C-Max got 37 mpg. Ford's response, in part: "Driving styles, driving conditions, and other factors can cause mileage to vary." The EPA said it would investigate, and Ford could face civil penalties if it was found to have misstated claims. |