
Zynga值得買進 ????去年新年夜,華爾街7位分析師將社交游戲開發商Zynga的股票評級定為買進或賣出。其中5人推薦買進FarmVille等常青網絡游戲背后的這家社交游戲公司。他們給出的該股12個月目標價平均值為:11.70美元。2012年12月19日,Zynga的股價為:2.40美元。 ????Zynga到底哪里出了問題還有待探討。繼去年12月進行高估值IPO(70億美元)之后,似乎除了下跌,也別無它途。該公司完全依賴Facebook獲得用戶,提供的休閑游戲則意味著一旦用戶買到了FarmVille中所有選擇,就會離開。今年Zynga表現不佳,但接下來或有反彈可能:該公司最近表示,正在尋求獲得內華達州博彩執照。如果如愿以償,將來用戶可以在游戲中押上真金白銀。該股股價受此消息推動躍升了5%。畢竟,Zynga還有希望。 |
Zynga is a Buy ????As of New Year's Eve last year, it was the job of seven Wall Street analysts to rate Zynga's stock a sell or buy. Five of them recommended buying the social gaming company behind such timeless titles as FarmVille. Their average 12-month price target for the stock: $11.70. The price of Zynga shares as of Dec. 19, 2012: $2.40. ????Where it all went wrong for Zynga is up for debate. After its rich IPO last December, which valued the company at $7 billion, there may not have been anywhere to go but down. The company was wholly reliant on Facebook for users, and its casual games meant that users left once they purchased all the FarmVille turnips they could bear. While it's been a rough year for Zynga, a comeback might be in order: the company recently said it was pursuing a Nevada gambling license to allow users to bet real money on games. Shares jumped 5% on the news. Zynga has hope after all. |