Mina Kimes, Beth Kowitt

健康零食新概念 ????人們都愛吃咸口的零食以及甜點,但同時又希望它們有利身體健康。這種愿望聽起來不可能實現,但Culinary Visions Panel公司執行總監莎朗?奧爾森說,為了迎合人們的需求,2013年,食品行業將繼續用健康食材為甜食護駕。她說:“它滿足了顧客不愿意(為了健康)犧牲美味的愿望。”屆時,人們有望吃到含有巴西莓的黑巧克力,而不只是普通的巧克力。也可以把薯片換成全素薯片。 |
Treats with a healthy twist ????We want our salty snacks and sweets but we want them to be better for us. It might sound impossible, but the food industry will respond in 2013 by continuing to fortify goodies with healthy ingredients, says Sharon Olson, executive director of Culinary Visions Panel. "It feeds the consumer's unwillingness to compromise," she says. Rather than a chocolate bar, have a handful of dark chocolate acai berries. Or trade in your potato chips for root veggie chips. |