Mina Kimes, Beth Kowitt

超級甜味劑 ????傳統上,軟飲料產業的創新速度一直都很慢。但《飲料文摘》(Beverage-Digest)的出版人兼編輯約翰?希舍表示,幾家主要的軟飲料生產和配方公司近年來在低熱量甜味劑的研發方面付出的努力將從2013年或2014年開始獲得回報?!败涳嬃袭a業的新的圣杯將盛滿天然的低熱量甜味劑,味道和常規的砂糖軟飲料一樣,”希舍說?!八鼘氐赘淖冞@個行業的未來增長前景。” |
Superior sweeteners ????Traditionally, the beverage industry has been slow to innovate. But Beverage-Digest editor and publisher John Sicher says R&D from major soft drink and ingredient companies around new and improved diet sweeteners should start to payoff in 2013 or 2014. "The holy grail for the beverage industry is to have a natural diet sweetener that tastes the same as regular soft drinks," Sicher says. "It could be a game changer for the industry in terms of future growth." |