Mina Kimes, Beth Kowitt

外出就餐風氣的回歸 ????這幾年來,美國人平均外出就餐的次數(shù)逐年遞減。消費市場研究公司NPD集團(NPD Group)的哈利?巴爾澤稱,2000年的時候,平均一年是215頓,而從去年8月到今年8月這一年間,平均只有194頓。不過巴爾澤認為,2012年將是這一輪下降的底部,2013年,外出就餐的次數(shù)預期會有一個反彈。 |
The return of eating out ????For years the number of meals the average American purchases annually at restaurants has dropped -- 194 meals during the year-ended August 2012, down from 215 in 2000, according to Harry Balzer of consumer market research firm NPD Group. But Balzer thinks the decline bottomed in 2012, so expect an uptick in restaurant dining in 2013. |