????誠然,購買某家上市公司的股票和投資某家承諾實現(xiàn)組合多元化的私募股權基金兩者是有區(qū)別的。也就是直接和間接的區(qū)別。但另一方面,我們也可以看到有些機構投資者(a)只投資一些承諾不會進行某些類型投資(如武器、煙草等)的基金, 或者(b)堅持其資金不參與此類不良投資,這樣就不會成為間接股東了。 ????不幸的是,加州教師退休基金沒有選擇這兩條道路。 ????“顯然,你可以說這家公司的產品屬于21條風險因素,特別是與人類健康相關的那條,” 加州教師退休基金的發(fā)言人理查多·杜然說。“但有很多產品取決于使用者是否負責任,在這個案例中它是不負責任地使用了……現(xiàn)在發(fā)生了這樣的悲劇事件,我相信我們未來會討論這個問題。” ????當我接著問今年7月在科羅拉多州奧羅拉市影院槍擊事件中也使用了大毒舌步槍,那以后加州教師退休基金有沒有進行過這樣的討論,杜然表示他不知情。另外,值得一提的是塞伯路斯沒有回復要求置評的請求。 ????過去幾天,關于如何阻止這類殺戮慘劇重演有著很多討論,人們的建議涉及加強槍支管控立法,改善心理健康基礎設施等等。準確地說,這兩項建議我都支持。 ????但我也在想,美國大型的非營利機構也應該將資金用得其所。盈利是投資的首要目標,但不能犧牲更廣泛的原則。如果一只教師基金、大學捐贈基金或一家非營利性基金會真想要阻止下一次大規(guī)模槍擊殺戮事件的發(fā)生,他們就應該停止向生產這些工具的公司提供資金支持。 ????對于很多槍支愛好者,像.223口徑大毒蛇這樣的半自動步槍頗為拉風,因為它彰顯了個人自由。對于自由集團,它們就是利潤。假如一家公司不調整內部政策(比如,調整為只向警方和軍方提供此類武器),就再也找不到私人投資者,那么自由集團很可能就會做出改變。資本當然是資本主義之源。 ????塞伯路斯沒有對多次置評請求做出回應。另外沒有置評的還有私募股權公司Bruckmann, Rosser, Sherrill & Co.。這家公司將Remington防務公司賣給了塞伯路斯,如今仍持有武器周邊公司Magpul Industries。 ????譯者:楊智 |
????To be sure, there is a difference between buying a listed company's stock and investing in a private equity fund that promises to build out a diversified portfolio. Direct versus indirect. But it also is true that certain institutional investors either, (a) Only invest in private equity funds that pledge not to make certain types of investments (e.g., firearms, tobacco, etc.), or (b) Insist that its money be carved out of any such offending investment, so that the institution does not become an indirect shareholder. ????Unfortunately, CalSTRS has not taken either tack. ????"Clearly you can make a case that this company's products fall within the 21 risk factors, particularly the one regarding human health," says CalSTRS spokesman Ricardo Duran. "But there are a lot of products that can be used responsibly or irresponsibly, and in this case it was used irresponsibly... Now that a tragic event like this has occurred, I'm sure that it is something that we will be discussing going forward." ????When I followed up by asking if CalSTRS had such a discussion after a Bushmaster rifle was used in the Aurora movie theater shooting, Duran said he did not know. Also worth noting that Cerberus itself is not returning requests for comment. ????There has been a lot of talk in the past several days about how to prevent the next massacre, with suggestions ranging from strengthened gun control legislation to improved mental health infrastructure. And, for the record, I support both. ????But I also think that it's time for our large nonprofit institutions to put some of their money where their mission is. Profit should be the primary goal of their investment offices, but not at the expense of their broader purposes. If a schoolteachers union or university endowment or nonprofit foundation truly cares about stopping the next mass killing, then they should not provide capital that produces the instruments of such destruction. ????For many gun enthusiasts, semi-automatic rifles like the?.223 Bushmaster is about sport and individual liberty. For Freedom Group, they are about profit. If the company were unable to find private investors unless it changed internal policy -- perhaps by only supplying such weaponry to police departments and military -- then Freedom most likely would do so. Capital is, of course, the root of capitalism. ????Cerberus did not return repeated requests for comment. Also not commenting was private equity firm?Bruckmann, Rosser, Sherrill & Co., which sold Remington to Cerberus and still owns firearms peripherals company?Magpul Industries. |