10.美國伊利諾伊州芝加哥 ????代表公司:Groupon、GrubHub、VLinks Media、MentorMob ????創業者平均年齡:37.2歲 ????每日平均工作時間: 9.4小時 ????說起芝加哥的創業企業,最耳熟能詳的或許就是團購網站Groupon了。如今,這個風城已悄然成為美國中西部地區的頭號創業重鎮。芝加哥創業者的平均年齡超過37歲,是Startup Genome的創業地名單中平均年齡最大的一個。創業者中有相當一部分與硅谷有關聯。這個地區1/5的創業者都在硅谷工作或生活過。 |
10. Chicago, Ill. ????Who launched here?: Groupon, GrubHub, VLinks Media, MentorMob ????Average entrepreneur age: 37.2 ????Average work hours per day: 9.4 ????Chicago's startup scene may be best known because of Groupon (GRPN), but the Windy City is quietly emerging as the top entrepreneurial region in the Midwest. At an average age above 37 years old, entrepreneurs operating in Chicago are among the oldest in Startup Genome's list of top cities for startups. A sizable portion of these entrepreneurs have connections to Silicon Valley. One-fifth of the region's startup founders once lived or worked in the Valley. |