21世紀00年代 ????2001年2月19日:《價值機器》 ????“(伯克希爾)讓我想起了迪士尼電影《幻想曲》(Fantasia)中演魔法師學徒的米老鼠。他的問題是水太多了。我們的問題是現金太多了。” ????2001年12月10日:《巴菲特談股市》 ????“由于我的個人口味偏好,我這輩子還會買漢堡包。漢堡包價格下跌時,我們會在家里唱彌撒贊美詩Hallelujah Chorus。漢堡包價格上漲時,我們會暗自抹淚。這和大多數人購買的生活用品都一樣——股票除外。股票下跌時你可以用同樣的錢買到更多,但人們不再喜歡它們了。” ????2002年11月11日;《一切的神諭》 ????“泡沫已經破了,但股價仍然不便宜……” ????2003年3月17日:《避免超級大災難》 ????“衍生品是金融界的大規模殺傷性武器,雖然目前隱而未發,但一旦爆發,就有可能要命。” ????2005年3月11日:《我得到過的最好建議》 ????“1950年底,我有9,800美元,到1956年我有150,000美元。我以為有這些錢,我可以活得像個國王。” ????2006年7月10日:《為何巴菲特捐出財產》 ????“我清楚我想做什么,現在開始做起來合情合理。” ????2008年4月28日:《巴菲特怎么看》 ????“似乎每個人都在說(這次經濟衰退)將短暫而淺層,但看起來情況正好相反。你知道,去杠桿化從本質上需要很多時間,同時還要承受很多痛苦。” ????2008年6月23日:《巴菲特的豪賭》 ????“有很多聰明人在管理對沖基金。但很大程度上,他們的努力都是無功無過,他們的智商值不上他們向投資者收的那些管理費。平均而言,投資者在較長一段時間里如果只投資一只低成本的指數基金,回報率可能還會高于投資幾只基金的基金。” ????2010年7月6日:《我的慈善承諾》 ????“我的財富來源于很因素的巧合:我生活在美國,有一些幸運的基因和復利…(生為)白人男性,也使我免遭多半美國人面臨的巨大障礙…命運多舛,變化無常。” ????本文改編自《跳著踢踏舞去上班:聽沃倫?巴菲特縱論天下,1966–2012》,由卡羅爾?J?盧米斯搜集整理和擴展,Portfolio/Penguin出版,2012年11月21日發售。 ? 2012 Time Inc. ????譯者:早稻米 |
2000s ????Feb. 19, 2001: The value machine ????"[Berkshire] reminds me of Mickey Mouse as the Sorcerer's Apprentice in Fantasia. His problem was floods of water. Ours is cash." ????Dec. 10, 2001: Warren Buffett on the stock market ????"To refer to a personal taste of mine, I'm going to buy hamburgers the rest of my life. When hamburgers go down in price, we sing the 'Hallelujah Chorus' in the Buffett household. When hamburgers go up in price, we weep. For most people, it's the same with everything in life they will be buying -- except stocks. When stocks go down and you can get more for your money, people don't like them anymore." ????Nov. 11, 2002: The oracle of everything ????"The bubble has popped, but stocks are still not cheap …" ????March 17, 2003: Avoiding a mega-catastrophe ????"Derivatives are financial weapons of mass destruction, carrying dangers that, while now latent, are potentially lethal." ????March 11, 2005: The best advice I ever got ????"I had $9,800 at the end of 1950 and by 1956, I had $150,000. I figured with that I could live like a king." ????July 10, 2006: Warren Buffett gives it away ????"I know what I want to do, and it makes sense to get started." ????April 28, 2008: What Warren thinks ????"It seems everybody says [the recession] will be short and shallow, but it looks like it's just the opposite. You know, deleveraging by its nature takes a lot of time, a lot of pain." ????June 23, 2008: Buffett's big bet ????"A number of smart people are involved in running hedge funds. But to a great extent, their efforts are self-neutralizing, and their IQ will not overcome the costs they impose on investors. Investors, on average and over time, will do better with a low-cost index fund than with a group of funds of funds." ????July 6, 2010: My philanthropic pledge ????"My wealth has come from a combination of living in America, some lucky genes, and compound interest … My being [born] male and white also removed huge obstacles that a majority of Americans then faced … Fate's distribution of long straws is wildly capricious." ????Adapted from Tap Dancing to Work: Warren Buffett on Practically Everything, 1966–2012, collected and expanded by Carol J. Loomis, published by Portfolio/Penguin, on sale Nov. 21, 2012. ? 2012 Time Inc. |