????搶先點檢全球各大車企即將推出的新車從來就不嫌早。因為汽車行業的特殊性,一些2014款新車已經在巴黎車展或法蘭克福車展這類車展上亮相了,而另一些新車的諜照也在洛杉磯車展(11月舉行)和底特律車展(1月舉行)開展前就已經發布。 ????廠商們當然希望不到最后一刻不揭開新車的神秘面紗,以免新款跟老款搶銷量。但有時候由于物流復雜,或僅僅是公司出風頭的愿望占了上風,銷售策略也就靠邊站了。 ????2014款新車年要到2013年10月1日才正式開始,心急難耐的車迷不如先來看看部分全新車型和酷越車的真容吧。這些車都出自各大設計工作室和工程中心之手。 |
????It's never too early to see what's under the hood for the world's car makers. Because of the peculiarities of the industry, some 2014 models have already been shown at auto shows like Paris and Frankfurt, or pictures have been released in advance of other shows like Los Angeles (in November) and Detroit (January). ????Manufacturers like to keep new models under wraps until the very last minute, lest they steal sales from outgoing models, but sometimes complex logistics or simply corporate flag-waving take precedence over sales tactics. ????For those who can't wait for the official start of the 2014 model year on October 1, 2013, here is a peek at some of the all-new cars and crossovers that will be emerging from design studios and engineering centers. |