
家得寶和勞氏 ????家得寶和勞氏是很多在颶風中受災的居民們必到的購物地。摩根大通(JP Morgan)的分析師們預計,膠合板、手電筒、防水布、膠帶、發電機、水泵、延長線和抽濕泵等必需品大賣,使得建材家裝店將成為此次颶風中最大的贏家之一。家得寶的一位高管告訴地方電臺,公司將派出約1,500輛裝滿物資的卡車,前往東北地區補充門店庫存。 |
Home Depot and Lowe's ????For many storm-struck residents, Home Depot and Lowe's are essential shopping destinations. Analysts at JP Morgan predict that big sales of provisions like plywood, flashlights, tarps, tape, generators, pumps, extension cords and wet vacs will make the home improvement suppliers some of the storm's biggest winners. A Home Depot executive told a local radio station the company was sending some 1,500 trucks full of supplies to restock stores in the region. |