保險股空頭 ????桑迪颶風造成的保險損失粗略估計為100億美元,總損失更是高達200億美元。這對于美國的財產意外險公司是一大利空,自從桑迪颶風可能造成嚴重損失的消息傳出來后,相關公司的股價就下跌了約5%。 ????周三美國股市重新開市后,這些公司遭到華爾街做空也屬意料之中。丘博(Chubb)、旅行者(Travelers)和哈特福德(Hartford)開盤時均告下跌。我們也許永遠都不會知道是哪家空頭賺進了百萬美元。除了素來行事隱秘,空頭可能也不想讓公眾知道自己從桑迪颶風中獲利一事——但他們是颶風過后大發災難財的行業之一。 |
Insurance shorts ????Ballpark estimates of insured losses from Sandy are $10 billion, while total losses rise to $20 billion. That was grim news for the country's property and casualty insurers, whose stocks have lost about 5% since the storm's potential for destruction first became known. ????Wall Street's short sellers no doubt pounced on the companies once trading began Wednesday. Chubb, Travelers, and Hartford all opened in the red. We might never know which shorts made millions -- besides being a secretive bunch, shorts probably don't want the publicity that comes from profiting off Sandy -- but they're another slice of those hitting post-Hurricane pay dirt. |