????2012年“超級碗”橄欖球賽期間,主辦方在印第安那波利斯市中心設立了一個占地達2,800平方英尺的社交媒體指揮中心。聯網顯示屏的面積達150平方英尺,局域網總長度超過1英里。2周多的時間里,50名專家在這里每天工作達15小時,分類整理了6,400萬條社交信息,平均3分鐘內就要回答一個問題。由于指揮中心對球迷的咨詢提供了實時回復,因此指揮中心創造了320萬美元的正面報道價值,消費者滿意度提高了12.5%。 ????英特爾公司(Intel)的社交媒體戰略師葉卡特琳娜?沃特近日在《快速公司》(Fast Company)的一篇文章中指出:“各大企業紛紛開始監控涉及自身品牌的網絡對話,即時回應熱門話題,讓消費者覺得自己也參與到了企業的事務中。”新一代的社交媒體指揮中心走得更遠。(我的公司所提供的HootSuite指揮中心軟件就可以支持這種新一代的指揮中心。) ????對于企業管理人員來說,事實已經證明,花在社交媒體指揮中心上的錢是很劃算的。它讓企業可以迅速把關鍵指標形象化,有助于簡化決策流程,把不同部門聯系在一起,讓整個龐大的企業達成一致。比如戴爾公司共有11萬名員工,該公司就有一間70人的社交媒體指揮中心。戴爾前社交媒體與社區副總裁馬尼什?梅達近日在一篇文章中稱:“我認為,值得注意的是,‘指揮中心’不僅僅是個呼叫中心,也不僅僅是個解決客服問題的地方,而是要在全球范圍內,把信息有用地傳遞給正確的人,不管他們在什么地方……” ????本文作者萊恩?赫爾莫斯是社交媒體管理系統公司HootSuite的CEO。他的公司擁有近500萬名用戶,包括79家《財富》100強企業。他的日常工作包括與Facebook、Twitter、LinkedIn等全球大型社交網絡打交道,因而對社交媒體與大企業的交集方面有獨到的見解。 ????譯者:樸成奎 |
????During the 2012 Super Bowl, organizers set up a massive 2,800-square-foot social media ground control in downtown Indianapolis, outfitted with 150 square feet of networked screen space and more than a mile of ethernet cable. For more than two weeks, 50 experts logged 15-hour days inside, sorting through some 64 million social impressions. On average, they responded to questions within three minutes. The payoff? By providing real-time answers to queries on everything from parking availability to half-time shows while also amplifying fan feedback, the command center generated $3.2 million in positive press and a 12.5% boost in consumer sentiment. ????"[Organizations] are monitoring online conversations about their brands, reacting instantly to viral buzz and creating companies that consumers feel involved in -- and, in some cases, even bringing in bigger profits as a direct result," says Intel (INTC) social media strategist Ekaterina Walter in a recent Fast Company article. The latest generation of command centers is already taking this a step further. (Full disclosure: my company provides software, HootSuite Command Center, which powers these kinds of nerve centers.) ????For corporate managers and members of the C-suite, investments in command centers are already proving money well spent. The ability to instantly visualize key metrics has helped streamline decision-making and bridge different departments, keeping sprawling companies on the same page. "I think it is worth noting that the social media "mission control" is not just about contact centers or customers with support issues," explains Manish Mehta, Dell's former vice president of social media and community (and the man behind the 110,000-employee company's 70-person command center), in a recent post. "[It's] about getting that information to the right people wherever they are . . . globally and functionally." ????Ryan Holmes is the CEO of HootSuite, a social media management system with five million users, including 79 of the Fortune 100 companies. In the trenches everyday with Facebook, Twitter and the world's largest social networks, Holmes has a unique view on the intersection of social media and big business. |