羅切斯特精密光學公司 ????該公司位于西漢麗埃塔(West Henrietta)市郊的羅切斯特,主要生產廣泛用于商業、軍事和工業領域的光學鏡頭。2005年,該公司從柯達光學影像系統公司(Kodak Optical Imaging Systems)購買了生產技術、知識產權和一部分資產。公司利用柯達開發的創新技術,專門生產玻璃模壓非球面鏡頭(glass-molded aspheric lenses,所謂非球面就是指不是球面或柱面的一部分)。這種鏡頭用途廣泛,從CD播放機和拍照手機到光學望遠鏡和導彈制導系統都能應用。 |
Rochester Precision Optics ????Based in the Rochester suburb of West Henrietta, Rochester Precision Optics (RPO) produces optical lenses for a wide variety of commercial, military, and industrial uses. In 2005, the firm acquired the manufacturing technology, intellectual property, and assets from Kodak Optical Imaging Systems. The company specializes in glass-molded aspheric lenses (not part of a sphere or cylinder) using innovations developed at Kodak. These lenses can be used in everything from CD players and camera phones to telescopes and missile guidance systems. |