
iPhone 5被人忽視的殺手級新功能

iPhone 5被人忽視的殺手級新功能

JP Mangalindan 2012-09-29
絕大部分對iPhone 5的評測都忽視了一點:從4S到5,蘋果iPhone的速度有了質的飛躍。

新款iPhone 5.有史以來最好的智能手機?

????許多人現在都知道iPhone 5創造了新的銷售記錄,首周銷量突破500萬。就蘋果(Apple)而言,iPhone 5有許多令人眩目的新特性,例如天衣無縫的纖細造型,抑或是閃亮登場的“閃電”充電接口。不過,iPhone 5能否配得上大家鋪天蓋地的贊譽?在花了5天時間詳細測試iPhone 5后,我們完成了以下測評報告。

????有些人也許認為iPhone 5沒有什么新的設計。因為第一眼(甚至第二眼)看過去,你可能會將其誤認為iPhone 4或4S。他們只有細節上的細微差距。iPhone 5更為小巧玲瓏,重量僅為3.95盎司(112克),長寬厚分別為4.9英寸、2.3英寸和0.3英寸。與iPhone 4S相比,薄了18%,輕了20%,一拿到手里就會感覺到輕巧。在iPhone 5背面,玻璃面板的身影幾乎消失殆盡,取而代之的是鋁制外殼,只有手機頂部和底部還保留著薄薄兩塊玻璃面板。

????當然,屏幕是最大的變化。iPhone屏幕首次從3.5英寸升級到4英寸,不過仍然無法和Android叫板,后者的手機屏幕已紛紛升級到4.5英寸,有一些“怪獸”手機的屏幕甚至已達5英寸。要是光從屏幕看,iPhone似乎正在扮演追趕者角色。不過新老用戶們看起來不在乎這個,對iPhone 5仍然愛不釋手。此外,iPhone 5屏幕的對比度也有所提高,用戶們對此贊不絕口。

????再讓我們看看iPhone 5的硬件配置:定制款A6處理器、1GB內存、增強版130萬像素前置攝像頭、以及精心調校,具備更好夜間拍照效果的800萬像素主攝像頭。蘋果大肆宣稱這款剛剛上市的A6處理器性能強勁,速度是iPhone 4S的兩倍。在大部分應用場景中,速度提升效果非常明顯。包括運動軟件Nike+在內的許多應用程序現在都可以瞬間啟動和后臺切換。速度真能達到iPhone 4S的兩倍?我們并不確定。不過iPhone 5的速度確實非常快。

????新款iPhone的速度提升主要是因為美國電話電報公司(AT&T)、威瑞森(Verizon)和Sprint Nextel三大運營商的定制iPhone 5都支持4G LTE(長期演進技術)網絡。我們用一部64GB白色威瑞森版iPhone 5在舊金山做了試驗。無論是手機本身上網還是作為熱點,這款iPhone 5的表現都非常出色。即便在繁華的金融區,如果使用威瑞森LTE網絡,打開Fortune.com的平均用時僅為4秒;不過如果使用美國電話電報公司的3G網絡,平均用時則變為13秒。顯然,上網速度和運營商及位置息息相關。

????因為威瑞森的4G網絡建設最早,所以其覆蓋范圍非常廣,遍及全美371個城市;美國電話電報公司的覆蓋城市為65個;Sprint最少,只有18個左右。(關于4G網絡的具體覆蓋范圍,請參閱鏈接。)我們測試機的通話效果非常好,和iPhone 4S相比,聲音更高、聽起來更洪亮。我們沒有遇到過掉話。

????By now, many are aware of that new record: 5 million iPhone 5s during its first week. For its part, Apple (AAPL) has done a good job marketing features like its meticulously machined thinner body and an even trimmer "Lightning" charging cord. But does it warrant all that early praise? We spent five days with it to parse through the hoopla and find out for ourselves.

????Some may call the iPhone 5's new design the latest example of evolution. That's because upon first -- and even second -- glance, it could be easily mistaken for the iPhone 4 or 4S. The differences are in the details. It's a sliver of a device that at 3.95 ounces, stands nearly 4.9 inches tall, 2.3 inches wide and .3 inches deep. That translates to being 18% thinner and 20% lighter when you hold it, but it's the lightness you'll notice immediately. On the back, much of that glass was swapped out for aluminum; two thin glass panes remain at the top and bottom.

????The largest design difference is of course, that screen. It's four inches instead of 3.5, the first for an iPhone, but certainly not the first for Android users already used to their devices swelling up to 4.5 -- or in some hybrid-type devices -- 5 inches. Viewed that way, the iPhone feels like it's playing catch-up. But new owners and those upgrading will welcome the increased screen real estate. They'll also appreciate the quality of the screen with better contrast.

????Behind the screen, there's a new custom-made A6 processor, 1 GB of RAM, an improved 1.3 megapixel front-facing camera, and a tweaked 8 megapixel shooter that takes better dim shots. Apple was keen to point out at the unveiling the new A6 chip offers twice the speed of the previous model. For the most part, that speed boost is noticeable. Many apps, including the running app Nike+ (NKE), now load almost instantly, and switching between those apps flies. Twice as fast? We're not so sure about that. But it's extremely brisk.

????Chalk a good chunk of those speed gains up to the integration of 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE) technology in the AT&T (T), Verizon (VZ), and Sprint Nextel (S) models. Our review unit was a white 64GB Verizon version, which yielded impressive results in San Francisco on its own and as a mobile hotspot. On average, Fortune.com, for instance, loaded in 4 seconds on Verizon LTE here in the city's financial district; on AT&T 3G, it took 13 seconds. Obviously, results will vary from carrier to carrier and location to location.

????Because Verizon launched its 4G network earliest, its nationwide coverage remains the most thorough, with 371 markets, compared to AT&T's 65 and Sprint's 18 or so. (For a helpful coverage map, reference here.) Call quality was very good on our unit -- voices were sharper and sounded fuller-sounding than previous iPhones -- and we didn't experience dropped calls.


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