全球飲料巨頭可口可樂收購Honest Tea一年后,這家有機茶公司的首席執行官回顧起這宗交易時表示并不后悔,但由于雙方理念不同,有時溝通非常艱難,在一些問題上甚至存在原則性分歧。盡管如此,Honest Tea依然不肯讓步。
????問題是,一家小型綠色公司在加入一家集團企業受益的同時,能否有足夠的經營自主權,保留其核心價值觀和顧客。戈曼認為可以做到,但也承認如今Honest Tea的前景已經與可口可樂綁在了一起。 ????像可口可樂這樣的公司規模龐大,富有而復雜。戈曼說:“我們當然十分希望看到整個公司都能取得成功,因為我們也是其中的一分子。” ????譯者:早稻米 |
????The question is whether a little green company can benefit from being part of a major conglomerate but still operate autonomously enough to keep its core values and customers. Goldman thinks it can, although he admits, Honest Tea's livelihood is tied up with Coke's now. ????Companies like Coke are big, rich, and complicated. "We certainly have a strong interest in seeing the overall company succeed because we're part of it," Goldman says. |