????雖然SongPop仍然在努力招攬用戶,但其增勢在最近幾周已有所放緩。SongPop如果希望像《憤怒的小鳥》等游戲一樣,長期停留在頂級游戲行列,這也許是其必須邁過的“高原反應”。首先,諸多用戶眾口難調,高檔白領們可沒多大興趣去追捧嘻哈音樂。用戶決定音樂風格,所以他們傾向于選擇自己最了解的音樂——不過,如果對手和你非常不對路,那么樂趣無疑就少了很多。所以SongPop的游戲范圍就有些局限在了朋友之間。《與朋友猜詞》則不一樣,雖然名字有“朋友”,但它很適合與陌生人一起玩。 ????再則,這款游戲主要針對的是一個龐大但終歸有限的人群:樂癡。音樂愛好者為數不少,但他們中有多少人認為自己牛到能在幾個音符內很快猜出某首歌曲的名稱?這個人群之大,足夠支撐該游戲獲得成功,但顯然不足以使其成為傳世經典之作。 ????即便洛扎雷斯自己也承認好日子不會永遠持續下去。他說道:“游戲有起有伏。”他已經在考慮FreshPlanet下一步該做什么。不過,SongPop極易使人上癮,而且看來有可能在未來一段時間內保持可觀的用戶數量。FreshPlanet擁有約15名雇員,洛扎雷斯稱,目前“大家的全部精力都放在了SongPop身上。” ????譯者:項航 |
????Though SongPop is still gaining users, the growth rate has softened in recent weeks. There could be some natural barriers that will keep it from staying in the top ranks for the long term, like, say, Angry Birds. For one thing, not everybody has the same tastes in music, and few fans of modern country will want to play against aficionados of hip-hop. Users determine the genres, so they tend to pick the ones they know best -- if your opponents' tastes are markedly different, it will be less fun. So the game is somewhat limited to friends playing friends. Words With Friends, despite its title, is much more amenable to strangers playing each other. ????For another thing, the game mainly appeals to a large but nevertheless limited population: music nerds. There are lots of music fans out there, but how many of them feel they know their stuff well enough to quickly guess the identities of songs within a few notes? Enough for success, clearly, but maybe not enough for the game to become an all-time classic. ????Even Nouzareth allows that the good times won't last forever. "Games go up and down," he says, and he's already thinking about what FreshPlanet should do next. Still, SongPop is highly addictive, and it seems likely to maintain a healthy user base for some time to come. FreshPlanet employs about 15 people and for now "everyone is working on SongPop" he says. |