


JP Mangalindan 2012-09-06
聯想公司推出的ThinkPad X1 Carbon超極本所使用的材料通常被用于超級跑車以減輕車身重量。盡管價格不菲,遠遠超過大部分超極本,甚至比13寸蘋果MacBook Air的最低價都高出了不少。但從性價比來看,它依然算得上是目前的最佳選擇之一。

????當然,X1也并不完美。比如在電池續航能力方面,公司聲稱超過8小時,但實際一般只能達到四個小時左右。這可沒辦法滿足國際飛行時的需要。而且,雖然觸摸板響應效果非常出色,但我們手中拿到的產品,觸摸板有些松動,似乎并未與筆記本其他部分完全連在一起,這是一大敗筆,因為X1 Carbon其他部分的結構非常牢固。當然,還有一點就是價格。該系列產品最低價為1,329美元,遠遠超過大部分超極本,比13寸MacBook Air的最低價高出不少。而且,目前大部分超極本已經開始大幅降價。但如果僅從這些方面進行考慮, 很難得到一臺像聯想筆記本一樣堅固耐用或同樣出色的筆記本。還是那句話,只要有獨特之處,還是會有用戶買單的。

????總結:聯想ThinkPad X1 Carbon算得上一款終極商用筆記本嗎?雖然它的電池續航能力令人失望,價格也非常高昂,但它的確是最佳選擇之一。


????The X1 isn't perfect. Battery life, which the company claims is just over 8 hours, often clocked in closer to four. That just won't hack it on cross-country flights. And while the trackpad is plenty responsive, the one on our unit felt a little loose, like it wasn't 100% attached to the rest of the laptop -- a shame given the X1 Carbon's otherwise sturdy construction. Then of course, there's the price. Starting at $1,329, it's significantly more than most Ultrabooks, which have started to drop dramatically in price, not to mention the starting price of the 13-inch MacBook Air. Few of those options will net you a laptop quite as rugged or as premium feeling as Lenovo's, but again, users will be paying for that difference.

????Bottom line: Is Lenovo's ThinkPad X1 Carbon the ultimate business laptop? It's certainly one of the best options out there, despite disappointing battery life and a steep price tag.


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