直到最近為止,谷歌一直都只是在為三星、華碩、宏達電以及亞馬遜等公司的手機和平板電腦開發移動操作系統。現在,谷歌親自操刀,推出了Nexus 7,直接面向消費者,希望憑借自家媒體商店Google Play,在內容消費市場分得一杯羹。多重理由表明,谷歌有望一統迷你平板電腦市場。
????8GB版199美元,16GB版249美元,Nexus 7應該相當有吸引力。即便在經濟不景氣時期,對廉價便攜式設備的需求仍然堅挺。Nexus 7能上網沖浪、購物、閱讀、觀看視頻、電影、電視劇以及玩游戲嗎?這是必須的。幾乎所有平板電腦評測者和分析師都認為,Nexus 7令Kindle Fire黯然失色。蘋果對迷你版iPad的定價也會起到重要的作用,不過,你應該能猜到,蘋果不大可能輕易放棄利潤。 |
????At $199 for the 8GB model, $249 for 16 GB, the Nexus 7 should be very attractive. In a weak economy, there is real demand for a lower priced device that can be easily held in one hand. Can you browse, shop, read, watch videos, movies, TV shows and play games on the Nexus 7? Yes, you can, and it puts the Kindle Fire to shame says virtually every tablet reviewer and analyst out there. Where Apple prices its smaller iPad will be a factor: you can assume the company is not about to give up per-device margins. |