2013特斯拉Model S 競爭對手:日產聆風 ????2011年汽車業最令人失望的就是電動汽車,因為最早吃螃蟹的那批消費者發現,它們的續航里程比廣告上宣稱的數字短了不少。2012年是否會有所不同呢?幾周前,特斯拉公司(Tesla)推出了四門電動汽車Model S,20分鐘的試駕讓記者們驚嘆不已。不過現在特斯拉已經嘗到了做量產的艱難。特斯拉已經把今年第三季度的產量砍掉了一半,以集中精力修復質量問題。與此同時,日產(Nissan)正準備把聆風(Leaf)電動車的產量提高到每年15萬臺。日產CEO卡洛斯?高森在聆風身上押了很大的賭注,不太可能會讓它失敗。 優勢方:聆風 |
2013 Tesla Model S The competition: Nissan Leaf ????Electric-powered vehicles were one of 2011's big disappointments, as early adopters struggled with cruising ranges that were more abbreviated than advertised. Will 2012 be different? Tesla launched its four-door model S with appropriate hullabaloo a few weeks ago, wooing journalists with 20-minute test drives. Now it is learning about mass production the hard way, slashing its third-quarter output by half to fix quality problems. Meanwhile, Nissan is getting ready to sharply boost output of the Leaf to 150,000 a year along with the batteries that power it. Nissan chief Carlos Ghosn has staked his legacy on Leaf and isn't likely to let it fail. Advantage: Leaf |