耐克公司黑棕板鞋 ????耐克公司(Nike)在今年圣帕特里克節推出了“Black & Tan”滑板鞋,這款鞋的命名靈感在很大程度上是來源于使用健力士(Guinness)與Harp啤酒制作的一款飲品。這款飲品自然是沒有問題,可Black & Tan同時也是皇家愛爾蘭警隊后備隊(the Royal Irish Constabulary Reserve Force)的綽號——黑棕部隊,這支英國準軍事部隊曾經鎮壓了愛爾蘭人的獨立革命。 ????因此,愛爾蘭人怒火中燒。《洛杉磯時報》(Los Angeles Times)的一篇文章認為,這款運動鞋的名字“在某種程度上來說無異于將運動鞋命名為塔利班或者納粹一樣?!蹦涂斯倦S后向公眾道歉。 |
Nike Black & Tan ????On St. Patrick's Day Nike released its "Black & Tan" skateboard sneaker, which was named, in part, after the drink made with Guinness and Harp beers. The beverage may be harmless enough, but Black & Tan is also the nickname for the Royal Irish Constabulary Reserve Force, a British paramilitary group that suppressed the Irish in their War of Independence. ????Irish citizens were furious. In an article about the shoe, the Los Angeles Timesdescribed it as "akin, in some circles, to naming a sneaker the Taliban or the Nazi." Nike apologized. |