????國際反腐敗監督機構透明國際(Transparency International)周二發布的最新報告顯示,大能源行業在反腐方面最為“透明”。 ????或許這個結果聽起來有些匪夷所思。相比之下,金融業位列最不透明行業或許是眾望所歸。對這個結果影響較大的一個因素是,最不透明企業名單中有四家中國銀行。但透明國際表示,盡管如此,“其余金融公司的得分也低于平均水平。” ????以十分制計,金融業平均得分僅4.2。透明國際調查了全球105家最大的公司。只有2/3的公司主動發布了反腐敗政策。不過,這已經好于2009年透明國際上次編制報告時的情況,當時主動發布反腐敗政策的公司比例還不到一半。 ????105家公司中只有78家公司全面披露子公司的注冊地信息。報告稱,這讓“人們很難知道位于發展中國家或保密管轄地(避稅地)的業務在公司業績中發揮著怎樣的作用”。同時,很多公司也沒有報告海外繳納的稅款。 ????為什么石油天然氣行業得分這么高?報告稱,“希望這是一個跡象,說明投資者、政府和社會的壓力已讓業內企業努力提高透明度”。業內企業“長期以來一直因為業務不透明而遭人詬病,但自2008年透明國際首次評估以來,這方面已經出現了顯著的改進。” ????俄羅斯國有控股企業俄羅斯天然氣工業股份公司(Gazprom)是一個例外,這家公司同時也是全球最大的天然氣開采企業和俄羅斯最大的企業,它的得分只有2.8。不過,這個成績仍然好于得分僅2.4的伯克希爾哈撒韋(Berkshire Hathaway),與得分2.8的亞馬遜(Amazon)不相上下。事實上,科技/互聯網行業在這次調查中總體表現不佳。蘋果(Apple)得分只有3.2,威瑞森(Verizon) 3.3。這或許是另一個讓人大跌眼鏡的領域。 ????高居榜首的是挪威國家石油公司(Statoil),得分高達8.3。 ????譯者:早稻米 |
????Big Energy is the most "transparent" industry when it comes to corruption-fighting, according to Transparency International, a global anti-corruption watchdog. ????The might sound surprising. But those who prefer predictability can take heart in the fact that the finance sector is the least transparent, says the group's latest report, issued on Tuesday. That result is weighted by the fact that four of the "least transparent" companies on the overall list are Chinese banks. But the organization says that, nevertheless, "the remaining financial companies were also below average." ????On a scale of 0-10, the finance sector averaged a score of just 4.2. The organization examined the world's largest 105 companies. Only two-thirds of them voluntarily report on their corruption-prevention policies, but that's better than the last time Transparency International issued a report, in 2009, when less than half of them did. ????Only 78 of the 105 fully disclosed information about where all their corporate subsidiaries were registered. That makes it "difficult to know how operations in locations such as developing countries or secrecy jurisdictions [tax havens] feature in company earnings," the report states. Many companies on the list also do not report what taxes they pay in foreign jurisdictions. ????Why did the oil and gas sector score so high? "Hopefully, it's a sign that pressure from investors, governments, and society encourages businesses to become more transparent," according to the report. Companies in that sector "have long been targeted for the opacity of their operations, but have improved noticeably in this regard since Transparency International first evaluated them in 2008." ????One outlier is Russia's state-controlled Gazprom, the largest extractor of natural gas in the world and Russia's largest company. It scored just a 2.8. Still, that's better than Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A), which scored only 2.4. And it's on a par with Amazon's (AMZN) 2.8. Indeed, the tech/Internet sector in general doesn't fare well in the findings. Apple (AAPL) scored 3.2 and Verizon (VZ) 3.3. This might be yet another area where tech is given something of a pass. ????Topping the list was Norway's Statoil (STO), which got a score of 8.3. |