


ALEX TAYLOR III 2012-06-29


????現在已經越來越明顯,第一個在與豐田的競爭中敗下陣來的將是福特汽車公司(Ford Motor)。長期以來,豐田一直是最受歡迎的一個汽車品牌,受歡迎程度超過了福特和雪佛蘭(Chevrolet)。不過據幾位專家預測,很快豐田所有車型的銷量——包括賽恩(Scion)和雷克薩斯(Lexus)——將超過福特汽車公司的福特和林肯(Lincoln)品牌,成為繼通用汽車(General Motors)之后在美銷量排名第二的廠商。R.L. Polk公司的老牌分析師湯姆?利比稱:“我們認為豐田今年就會超過福特。”


????The recovery of Toyota from its recall crisis, Japan's earthquake and tsunami, and the strong yen has been well documented by now, but there has been less speculation about the consequences for the competition.

????It is becoming clear that one of the first casualties will be Ford Motor Co. Toyota has long been the single most popular car brand, outpacing both Ford and Chevrolet. But soon, several experts say, all Toyota vehicles -- including Scion and Lexus -- will surpass Ford Motor's Ford and Lincoln brands and move into second place in U.S. sales after General Motors. "We see Toyota Corp. overtaking Ford Motor Co. this year," says veteran analyst Tom Libby of R.L. Polk.

????Toyota has outsold Ford before, most recently in March, 2010. And this April, it bested Ford in retail units (excluding fleet sales). But this time, save for another unpredictable event, Toyota appears ready to secure a permanent edge. Here are ten reasons why:



????林肯現在仍然處在為期三年的重建之旅的起步階段。今年林肯只賣出了34,418輛轎車和卡車。雷克薩斯也在重組,不過它的起點要高得多。從今年年初到現在,雷克薩斯已經售出了88,110輛汽車。林肯計劃在未來兩年內推出7款新車或升級車型,但雷克薩斯卻足足準備了10款車型,包括最暢銷的ES 350的升級版。

1.Lexus trumps Lincoln

????Still in the early stages of a three-year rebuilding process, Lincoln has sold only 34,418 cars and trucks this year. Lexus is reloading too, but from a much higher base: 88,110 have moved off dealers' lots since the beginning of the year. Lincoln plans to introduce seven new or redesigned models in the next two years, but Lexus has 10 coming, including its best-selling ES 350.


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