????盡管瓦爾比派克是一家盈利性公司,但它的服務要素卻和布魯曼薩爾所欽佩的幾家非盈利組織非常相似。它們都致力于為發展中國家服務,比如,“上善若水”努力為發展中國家的社區提供清潔的飲用水,“許諾鉛筆”則致力于建設學校并提供教育類項目。 ????而“Movember”和“看不見的孩子”近來都掌握了病毒式營銷的要領。其中,Movember在去年11月發起了一項風靡一時的蓄須活動,旨在喚起人們對前列腺癌的重視,同時募集基金。而Invisible Children則領銜發起了流傳甚廣的“Kony 2012”活動,目的在于阻止烏干達軍閥約瑟夫?科尼的戰爭暴行(這一活動由詹森?羅素一手策劃。今年3月開始,它在全球激起了廣泛關注,同樣在3月,它在圣迭戈市引發了公眾對科尼的強烈聲討。布魯曼薩爾將羅素視為摯友。不過,在討論看不見的孩子的最佳實踐時,他沒有提到“科尼”這個名字。) ????當然,瓦爾比派克并沒有放棄傳統的資本主義擴張計劃,它打算在SoHo再開一家旗艦店。布魯曼薩爾表示,公司如果放慢擴張步伐就能盈利。公司現在還為客戶提供一種在家試戴服務:客戶在決定購買前,能試戴5副尚未經過驗光的眼鏡。 ????等到業務有更大發展時,瓦爾比派克就能有更多資金投入品牌營銷活動。但是,布魯曼薩爾表示,公司不會改變其“特別謹慎”的作風,即在慈善團體中共同投資公益事業。布魯曼薩爾稱:“這些企業家都是講故事的行家里手,他們正在開發的內容、網站和營銷材料屬于業界頂尖水準,足以與蘋果公司(Apple)和耐克公司(Nike)相媲美。”只要這家眼鏡公司的業務的確蒸蒸日上,他的這種說法就很難被駁倒。 ????譯者:清遠 |
????While Warby Parker is a for-profit company, its service component is common to most of Blumenthal's group of favored non-profits. Instead of eyewear, Charity:Water works to bring clean water to communities in the developing world; Pencils of Promise works to provide schools and education programs. ????Movember and Invisible Children have both recently mastered viral marketing campaigns, with Movember leading the new popular practice of growing a mustache through November to raise awareness and funds about prostate cancer, and Invisible Children spearheading the viral 'Kony 2012' campaign to stop Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony. (Blumenthal counts 'Kony 2012' creator Jason Russell, who brought extra scrutiny to the embattled campaign in March following a public breakdown in San Diego in March, as a friend; he did not mention 'Kony' when discussing Invisible Children's best practices.) ????Of course, Warby Parker has more traditionally capitalist expansion on its mind, including opening a new flagship retail store in SoHo. Blumenthal says the company could be profitable if it slows down its expansion. The company also now offers a try-at-home service that allows customers to putter around with five, non-prescription trial pairs before considering a purchase. ????As it grows, Warby Parker will have the chance to pump more money into its branding. But Blumenthal says the company won't change from its "extra thoughtful" approach to spending common among the charitable groups. "These are all guys that have master story-telling and are developing content and websites and materials that are some of the best out there, that rival Apple (AAPL) and Nike (NKE)," Blumenthal says. As long as the eyeglass company keeps it up, it's tough to argue. |