????蘇格蘭 ????即便大到一個國家,也難免受到唐納德?特朗普的訴訟威脅。2008年,特朗普得到蘇格蘭政府批準(盡管遭到當地抗議),在阿伯丁郡一塊受到保護的沙丘地帶建一座高爾夫球場。他聲稱,之所以投資10億英鎊,是因為蘇格蘭第一大臣杰克?麥康納和埃里克斯?薩爾蒙德曾經承諾,將終止在他所投資地塊沿海修建風力發電機的計劃。 ????但現在,關于離岸開發的話題被重新提起,讓特朗普很是惱火——他威脅要起訴蘇格蘭,同時停止了與高爾夫球場相鄰的一家酒店的施工工作(預定7月份開業),直到蘇格蘭政府做出有關風力發電機的最終決定為止。 |
????Scotland ????Even countries aren't immune to the threats of Donald Trump. In 2008, Trump was given permission by the Scottish government (despite local protest) to build a golf course on protected dune land in Aberdeenshire. He says that his £1 billion investment was contingent on promises from Scottish first ministers Jack McConnell and Alex Salmond that plans to build a string of wind turbines off the coast of his land would not go forward. ????Now that talk of the offshore development has begun again, Trump is angry -- he's threatened to sue Scotland and has stalled the building of a hotel adjoining his golf course (set to open in July) until the government reaches a decision on the turbines. |