????泰姬陵賭場 ????1990年,費城證券公司詹尼蒙哥馬利斯科特(Janney Montgomery Scott)的分析師馬文?羅夫曼,對特朗普當時正在建設的泰姬陵賭場(Taj Mahal Casino)的盈利能力表示質疑,讓特朗普大為光火。他威脅詹尼蒙哥馬利斯科特公司,羅夫曼要么道歉(要么走人),否則他就起訴這家公司。最后,這家經紀公司確實辭退了羅夫曼,不過公司對外宣稱,辭退羅夫曼的決定與特朗普的威脅沒有任何關系。 ????后來,羅夫曼奮起反擊,控告特朗普誹謗,并用不正當手段干涉他的就業。同時他還提出200萬美元的索賠,訴訟一直持續到第二年方告結束。此外,羅夫曼還要求紐約證交所(New York Stock Exchange)仲裁委員會強制經紀公司補償因誹謗、非法解雇等造成的損失,以及其他由于此事造成的損失。最終結果是,詹尼蒙哥馬利斯科特公司向羅夫曼支付了750,000美元。 |
????Taj Mahal Casino ????When Marvin Roffman, an analyst at Philadelphia brokerage Janney Montgomery Scott, questioned the profitability of Trump's then-under-construction Taj Mahal casino in 1990, The Donald was furious. He told Janney Montgomery Scott that if Roffman didn't apologize (or lose his job), he would sue the firm. The brokerage did end up firing Roffman -- though it claimed that the decision had nothing to do with Trump's threat. ????The analyst later fired back, suing Trump for defamation and wrongful interference with his employment -- the $2 million suit was settled the following year. He also asked a New York Stock Exchange arbitration panel to order the brokerage to compensate him for defamation, wrongful discharge, and his trouble. The firm paid Roffman $750,000. |