


Stephen Gandel 2012-06-18




????Dimon is right about one thing. He's got to put his extra cash somewhere. Regulators wouldn't let him lend it all out either. And anywhere he puts it will have some risk. The problem is he has come to rely on that portfolio as a source of income as well as protection. In the past, he has said he has got to worry about interest rate risk as well. And if he were to put all his extra money into Treasury bonds he would open himself up to loses if rates were to go up. But that's only partially true. On top of Treasury bonds, Dimon could also buy swaps that would limit or eliminate the risk of rising rates. As a result, the only risk he would be taking on was the risk that Uncle Sam defaults, which is still relatively small. Of course, that portfolio would generate very little income as well, which is exactly why he won't do it, even if he should.

????"This is why we need oversight," says Michael S. Barr, a law professor at the University of Michigan, who served in the Treasury Department from 2009-2010 helping to write banking reforms. "Left to their own devices financial institutions are going to push the envelope."


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