????一個自由的、用戶可參與編輯的百科全書是否優于一個專業的百科全書,這個問題有些太寬泛了。它們是兩種截然不同的產品,其中的一個是否“好于”另一個,主要取決于你要拿它來干什么。但毫無疑問的是,從嚴格的實用主義的角度來看,數碼百科全書要比印刷版方便得多。它可以更方便地進行查閱和搜索,或是跳到相關文章上去(具體到維基百科則是可迅速訪問相關的外部來源)。 ????不過看到印刷版百科全書的終結,還是讓人不免唏噓。這些看來令人敬畏的書籍有一種特殊的美感,排在書架上,好像一排知識的士兵。這種感覺是一個應用或一個網頁無論如何也無法媲美的。 ????當然,這并不能阻止新媒體大師們不合時宜地歡慶勝利,比如一向語言辛辣大膽、鼓吹將一切數字化的媒體評論家杰夫?賈維斯,他總是愛對印刷出版商的遭遇幸災樂禍。這次他在Tweeter上寫道:“大英百科全書總是利用人們的內疚心理搶錢。拜拜了!” ????后來賈維斯堅稱,由于大英百科全書繼續向數碼方向發展,使知識“超越了界限”,因此他在Tweeter上的歡呼完全是積極的。但他個人的心情卻從第一條微博上一覽無余。我們不知道2000年的時候,紐約科尼島上的云霄飛車被拆除時,他的心情是否也是那么歡欣雀躍。這座云霄飛車悄無聲息、毫無用處地矗立了將近20年,但它已經成了當地人生活中的一個重要的部分,人們發自本能地覺得它和自己息息相關。它的拆除不可避免,但真的走到這一步,人們還是覺得難過。 ????譯者:樸成奎 |
????Whether a free, editable encyclopedia is better than a professionally produced one is too wide-ranging a question. They're really two entirely different products, and whether one is "better" than the other depends on what you need it for. But there's no question that in a strictly utilitarian sense, it's far better to publish any kind of encyclopedia digitally. It's easier to look stuff up, to search for terms within articles, and to jump to related articles (and in Wikipedia's case, outside sources). ????Still, it's sad to witness the demise of the print edition. There's an aesthetic quality to all those formidable looking books, lined up along the shelf like soldiers of knowledge, that can't be matched by an app or a Web page. ????That of course hasn't stopped the new-media gurus from crowing their oddly misplaced triumphalism today. Jeff Jarvis, the combative champion of all things digital who wields buzzwords like a Ninja wields throwing stars and who regularly celebrates the suffering of print publishers, opened his long string of giddy tweets this way: "Britannica was always a rip-off sold on guilt. Buh-bye." ????He later insisted that his glee was entirely positive, based on Britannica's forging ahead into the digital future and allowing knowledge to "escape its bounds." But his underlying feelings were made clear in that first tweet. One wonders whether he similarly applauded when they finally tore down the Thunderbolt roller coaster on Coney Island in 2000. The thing was just sitting there, dormant and useless, for nearly 20 years. And yet it had been an important part of people's lives, something they felt connected to in a visceral way. It had to come down, but for those people, it was sad when it did. |