????? “垃圾桶:什么變質、過期的食物都往嘴里塞” ????? “壓力機:化壓力為食欲” ????? “自醫者:不聽醫生的話” ????? “谷物殺手:沒時間吃早飯” ????要想充分領會這場展覽的“魅力”,一定得對照著名單欣賞一下其中一些卡通角色的圖片。我覺得這場展覽肯定是丟給實習生做的,要不然就是迪士尼市場部為了省錢,把以前的動畫作品中淘汰掉的角色拿來充數。 ????但是,孩子們是迪士尼的衣食父母,拿衣食父母開刀,不僅不明智,簡直可以說是自毀長城。想想迪士尼推行健康計劃居然犯了這樣的錯誤就令人覺得奇怪。如今這個時代,越來越多的消費者都成了醫保客戶。如果說迪斯尼必須像它的同行們一樣(我敢肯定它必須這么做),需要思考如何在這樣一個時代提升自己的品牌魅力。我有兩個詞送給它們:瞄準消費群。 ????顯然,兒童肥胖是個可怕的問題,胖孩子們長大后不得不面臨痛苦的治療過程。為了找出改變孩子和成年人不良衛生習慣的關鍵因素,衛生保健和行為學領域已經開展了大量的研究。終極的追求在于如何綜合多種激勵措施,使人們能夠長期堅持健康飲食、適量運動,同時好好照顧自己。此外,這里面還牽扯到許多其他的社會因素,比如市面上的健康食品往往比加工食品貴,許多低收入地區甚至根本買不到健康食品。這是個復雜的問題。 ????不過,社會學已經確證的事實是,如果別人沒有按照你的想法來,對他們橫加羞辱并不會達到期望的結果。看著苗條健康的孩子消滅臃腫肥胖的惡棍,胖孩子們不會就此“痛改前非”,勒緊褲腰帶。可能反而會讓他們自慚形穢,大家都知道,貪吃的人在難過的時候,只會吃得更多,而不是更少。 ????等等,說到這里我突然想起一件事情。或許“習慣英雄”展覽只是一個絕妙的營銷手段,一個堪稱愛因斯坦級別的高智商營銷手段。讓參觀的孩子們感到自卑、難過,激起他們暴飲暴食的欲望,然后在出口處設立熱狗攤和可口可樂冷飲站——怎么樣,這招很絕吧?這樣一來,迪士尼就不僅僅是個反派,而且是個天才反派了。 ????本文作者麗莎?蘇南是風險投資公司Psilos Group的聯合創始人兼管理層成員,該公司以醫療保健為核心業務,管理的資金超過5.77億美元。 ????譯者:Nasca |
????? "The Fungus, Eating rotten or expired food" ????? "Stress Case, Stressing Out" ????? "The Prescriptor, Ignoring doctor's advice" and, ????? "Cereal Killer, No time for breakfast" ????To get the full effect of how charming this whole thing was, you really have to look at some of the character photographs that go along with the names. All I can imagine is that this exhibit was left to interns to develop or that the Disney marketing department issued itself a challenge to use up their past character rejects in an effort to conserve animation costs. ????But to pick on little kids who are the bread and butter of your revenue stream? That isn't just lame, it's self-destructive. It is particularly surprising to think that Disney was aided in its efforts by a health plan, which, if they are like any of their peers and I am sure they are, has to be thinking about how to increase their brand appeal to consumers in a world where consumers are more and more the buyers of health insurance. I have two words for them: Focus groups. ????Clearly childhood obesity is a terrible problem that sets a child up for an adulthood of medical misery. There is a massive amount of research going on in the healthcare and behavioral sciences fields to figure out what is necessary to sustainably change poor health habits among children and adults alike. The Holy Grail is figuring out the right combination of motivation techniques that will get people to eat right and exercise and take good care of themselves on a long-term basis. And there are a whole host of other social factors involved, such as the fact that healthier foods tend to cost more than processed foods and that healthy foods are not even available in many lower income communities. It is a complex problem. ????One thing that social science has pretty much proven already, however, is that villanizing people who don't do what you want them to do isn't a prescription for getting the outcome you want. By showing healthy skinny kids vanquishing evil fat kids, you aren't going to make the chubby ones run out and buy a cape to compliment their about-to-be-toned abs. You're probably just going to make them feel bad about themselves and as we all know, when people with food issues feel bad about themselves they tend to eat more, not less. ????Hey wait a minute! I think I just had a revelation. Perhaps this Habit Heroes exhibit was marketing at its best after all—Einstein-level marketing sophistication in fact. Take kids through an exhibit that makes them feel bad enough about themselves to want to eat more? Station the hot dog vendor and Club Cool Coca Cola Exhibit at the exit? Now that is evil genius at its best. ????Lisa Suennen is a co-founder and Managing Member of Psilos Group, a healthcare-focused venture capital firm with over $577 million under management. |