


Lisa Suennen 2012-03-08


????實際上,銷售高糖高脂的垃圾食品是迪士尼公司的商業成功秘訣。舉個例子,根據其官網發布的數據,光臨迪士尼樂園的游客每年要消耗7,500萬罐可口可樂、1,000萬個漢堡包、600萬根熱狗、900萬磅炸薯條和30多萬磅爆米花。雖然園內餐廳消耗的30多噸果蔬都是來自艾波卡特中心大地館(The Land pavilion at Epcot Center)的健康果蔬,但也不要忘了,可口可樂是迪士尼全球11家主題公園的獨家飲料供貨商。實際上,早在1950年,迪士尼出品第一部電視節目的時候,可口可樂就已經是它的贊助商。要是你覺得我們的“米老鼠”真的會奉行健康的飲食方式,那就太傻太天真了。

????所以說,迪士尼近日在艾波卡特中心舉辦旨在“教育人們推行健康飲食”的“習慣英雄”(Habit Heroes)展覽就是一出駭人聽聞的鬧劇,如若不然,迪士尼的自我諷刺功力真可謂出神入化。此次展覽是由佛羅里達藍十字會(Florida Blue)和安盛藍十字藍盾公司(Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield)贊助的專項計劃,主要針對兒童肥胖問題。朋友給我看了篇文章,上面說展覽開場不到3周就“停展整頓”了。至于為什么,那是因為兒童肥胖專家認為這場展覽會加深人們對超重者的成見,將胖孩子妖魔化,使他們在學校更容易受到欺凌。此外,它主要利用人們了的羞恥心,作為鞭策胖子改善自身健康狀況的手段。

????討伐展覽的重量級(此處沒有諷刺之意)專家包括渥太華大學(University of Ottawa)家庭醫學助理教授、加拿大肥胖協會(the Canadian Obesity Network)家庭醫學主席弗里德霍夫醫生。“真是太令人震驚了,簡直不可思議,”文章引用弗里德霍夫的話說。“胖子在學校受到的欺負已經夠多了,實在沒法想象他們出了學校還要受人欺凌,連度假的時候都要受到這等羞辱。可以想象,來看這場展覽的胖子和超重者肯定心里非常難受。”

????“習慣英雄”這場展覽到底能有多糟糕?怎么說呢,促進接受肥胖者委員會(The National Association of Fat Acceptance)(呃,這個委員會應該沒什么人知道吧)近日發了篇新聞稿,題為《來吧!一起去損胖孩子!》(Hi Ho! Hi Ho! A-Stigmatizing Fat Kids We Go!,模仿迪士尼動畫《白雪公主》中的插曲),文中介紹了展覽的部分細節及展臺上的卡通角色:

????? “吃貨:嘴巴停不住,吃東西像打仗”

????? “零食癖:高脂、加工食品狂人”

????? “死宅:坐下來就不挪窩”

????? “臭蟲:不講衛生”

????Mary Poppins, Disney's most revered children's expert, once sang, "A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down," encouraging parents everywhere to mask bad taste in sugary sweetness in the best interests of their children's health. Mary Poppins could not yet have known that sugar would become viewed as a generally toxic substance, particularly for the 17% of U.S. children who are now considered clinically obese.

????In fact, sugar and other unhealthful, fat-laden empty calorie foods have become key to the successful business model of the Walt Disney Corp. For instance, according to Disney's own website, more than 75 million Coca-Colas are consumed each year at Walt Disney World Resort, washing down 10 million hamburgers, 6 million hot dogs, 9 million pounds of French fries and more than 300,000 pounds of popcorn. While it is true that more than 30 tons of fruits and vegetables grown at The Land pavilion at Epcot Center are served in Walt Disney World restaurants, it also is true that Coca-Cola is the sole global beverage provider for all of the company's 11 theme parks worldwide, and actually was Disney's very first television show sponsor back in 1950. If you think Micky is serious about healthy eating, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

????And thus it is either with unbelievable chutzpah or a flair for dramatic irony that Disney recently opened an exhibit in Epcot Center called Habit Heroes that is intended "to teach families how to be healthier." The exhibit, which was specifically oriented towards fighting childhood obesity, was a project sponsored by Florida Blue and Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield. My friend sent me an article about this exhibit, which was shuttered for "retooling" within three weeks of its opening. Why, you ask? Because the exhibit was believed by child obesity experts to flaunt negative stereotypes about being overweight, demonize fat kids and promote bullying and to use shame as the primary motivational tool to teach overweight kids that they need to change their ways to improve their health.

????Among the experts who weighed in (no pun intended) on this exhibit was Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, an assistant professor of family medicine at the University of Ottawa and family medicine chair of the Canadian Obesity Network. "It's so dumbfounding it's unreal," Dr. Freedhoff was quoted as saying. "I just can't believe somebody out there thought it was a good idea to pick up where the school bullies left off and shame kids on their vacation. There's no doubt in my mind that overweight and obese kids going through this exhibit are leaving feeling horrible about themselves."

????How bad could Habit Heroes have been? Well, the The National Association of Fat Acceptance (okay, who knew?) issued a press release with the title of Hi Ho! Hi Ho! A-Stigmatizing Fat Kids We Go! in which they detail some of the exhibits and associated characters, which include:

????? "The Glutton, Overeating and eating too fast"

????? "Snacker, Too much fatty, processed food"

????? "Lead Bottom, Not enough exercise"

????? "Stinkbomb, Bad hygiene"


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