卡戴珊讓我們欲罷不能 ????你可以諷刺金?卡戴珊和她的金家?guī)鸵呀?jīng)淪為人們的笑柄。但2011年,我們對這個驕縱的社交名媛的著迷程度已經(jīng)演變成狂熱。她與NBA球員克里斯?亨弗里斯的婚禮萬眾矚目;大約70天后,兩人閃電分手,人們除了震驚和興奮,依然選擇繼續(xù)關注。有人可能認為這場婚姻以這樣難堪的方式收場將會永遠地澆滅人們對她的熱情,但是人們仍在繼續(xù)關注她,而且程度有增無減。同時,有跡象表明:卡戴珊本人、她的家人、她的經(jīng)紀人、或者團隊的其他負責人在拿她的婚姻做秀,導演了這出鬧劇(眼下,亨弗里斯以卡戴珊欺詐為由提出了離婚)。最糟糕的事是什么呢?其實這一切都跟我們這些看客沒有關系。 |
We're still keeping up with Kim ????You could say that Kim Kardashian and her K-crew are easy pickings for ridicule. This year, our fascination with the spoiled beauty reached a fever pitch. America watched as she married NBA player Kris Humphries, then continued to watch, in a mix of horror and delight, when they split up after some 70 days. You'd think that such a humiliating flameout would put to rest our interest for good, but it only continues, stronger than ever. Meanwhile, signs point to the possibility that Kardashian, or her family, or her managers, or someone at the helm of this circus, orchestrated the marriage as a publicity stunt (Humphries is now seeking an annulment on the grounds that Kardashian defrauded him). The worst part? None of that seems to matter to the audience. |