巨頭聯姻誕生小歐盟 ????通用汽車副總裁斯蒂夫?葛爾斯基本來是被派往歐洲拯救歐寶汽車的,結果他在機場碰上了塞爾吉奧?馬基奧尼。此前數天,馬基奧尼剛剛再次大幅削減了菲亞特2012年的產能指標。他倆聯手想出了一個解決他們共同問題的高明辦法——把通用汽車和菲亞特-克萊斯勒分拆,讓菲亞特與歐寶合并,而克萊斯勒則與通用汽車的其他部門合并。為了給這樁交易的歐洲一方一點甜頭,馬基奧尼決定把手上握著大把現金的法拉利(Ferrari)也給拉進來。 ????譯者:清遠 |
European Union ????GM vice chairman Steve Girsky, sent to Europe to save Opel, runs into Fiat-Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne in an airport, days after Marchionne again slashes Fiat's 2012 production targets. Together, they come up with an elegant solution to their mutual problems. They decide to break up GM and Fiat-Chrysler, merging Fiat with Opel, and Chrysler with the rest of GM. To sweeten the deal for the European side of the transaction, Marchionne decides to throw in cash-rich Ferrari. |