
2013日產(chǎn)天籟 ????在美國進口中型車市場上,日產(chǎn)天籟(Altima)已經(jīng)悄然成了一個強有力的冠軍爭奪者,它的銷量超過了本田雅閣(Accord),直逼凱美銳。天籟的成功使日產(chǎn)2011年前11個月在美國市場上的份額提高到了8.2%,超過了去年同期的7.8%。日產(chǎn)CEO卡洛斯?高森希望到2014年將日產(chǎn)在美份額提高到10%,而新款天籟(如上圖)正是決定這個目標能否實現(xiàn)的關鍵。如果能夠如愿達到這個目標,屆時日產(chǎn)將超過現(xiàn)代-起亞和本田,成為美國汽車市場的第五大廠商。 |
2013 Nissan Altima ????The Altima has quietly become a serious contender for leadership in the import mid-size car segment, passing the Honda Accord, and gaining on Camry. Its success has helped boost Nissan's U.S. market share to 8.2% for the first 11 months of 2011 vs. 7.8% a year ago. The new model coming in the fall (2012 is pictured above) is key to Nissan reaching its 10% goal for 2014 growth set by CEO Carlos Ghosn. That would push Nissan past Hyundai-Kia and Honda and into fifth place in U.S. sales. |