2012斯巴魯BRZ ????斯巴魯(Subaru)憑借后驅的BRZ轎跑重返運動轎跑市場。這款轎跑是斯巴魯與豐田共同研發的,將于明年春天開始發售。斯巴魯給人們的印象往往是傲虎(Outback)或森林人(Forester)等實用車型,而斯巴魯希望用BRZ來打破人們的這種成見。由于日本海嘯導致供應短缺,斯巴魯2011年的銷量受到了拖累,公司現在正打算提高北美工廠的產量以緩和供應緊張的局面。斯巴魯2011年的銷量預計將達到26萬輛,而它明年的目標則是達到30萬輛。 ????譯者:樸成奎 |
2012 Subaru BRZ ????Subaru reenters the sport coupe segment with the rear-drive BRZ, developed in cooperation with Toyota. Set to go on sale in the spring, it is an attempt to extend Subaru's image beyond the utilitarian Outback and Forester. Subaru was restrained in 2011 by supply shortages caused by the Japanese tsunami, and it is looking at boosting production in North America to ease constraints. It is aiming to sell 300,000 vehicles in the U.S. next year vs. an estimated 260,000 in 2011. |