????大多數創業者都明白,比起獲得天使投資人或專業風險資本家的投資,從熟人那里獲得資金幾乎總要更快更容易一些。事實上,大多數投資者都“要求”在他們著手研究相關項目之前,創業者已經從他的親朋好友那里獲得了一些投資資金。 ????眾所周知,投資者首先投資的是人,接下來才是創意或產品。因為投資者還不了解創業者,所以他們首先要對創業者的人品審查一番,看看他的親朋好友是否對他有足夠的信任,愿意給他啟動新創意的種子資金。如果連親朋好友都不愿意掏錢,對創業者一無所知的投資者憑什么要向其投資呢? ????朋友和家人可能不會像專業投資者那樣,要求創業者出具復雜的商業模式和財務信息,但他們的確希望看到確鑿的東西。以下是創業者在求助于朋友、家人,甚或是錢多人傻的笨蛋之前需要認真思考的關鍵環節: ????1.不要怕開口,言辭需謹慎。如果一位創業者安安穩穩地等待某位熟人為他提供初創企業的啟動資金,他或許得熬上相當長一段時間。另一方面,假如創業者逢人就說:“我需要錢,”他恐怕連一個朋友都交不上,更別說籌措到資金了。創業者需要好好練習一下“電梯間演講”,把要錢的話放到最后來說。 ????2.生氣勃勃,畢恭畢敬。沒有什么比消極傲慢的態度更能扼殺大伙的信心和提攜的意愿。如果大伙打算把錢投入創業者的公司,他們很可能期望跟創業者呆上足夠長的時間,要么為他出謀劃策,要么討論公司的進展。沒有人喜歡垂頭喪氣的家伙。 ????3.對創業點子充滿激情。朋友和家人很快就能察覺創業者對于創意的真摯程度和思考深度。創業者需要讓他們相信自己致力于這個愿景已經有相當長的一段時間,并且對于所有潛在的風險都進行了“盡職調查”。白日夢和“靈光一現”不會得到太大的尊重。 |
????Most entrepreneurs have learned that it's almost always quicker and easier to get cash from someone you know, rather than angel investors or professional venture capitalists. In fact, most investors "require" that you already have some investment from friends and family before they will even step up to the plate. ????You see, investors invest in people, before they invest in ideas or products. Since they don't know you (yet), their first integrity check on you as a person is whether your friends and family believe in you strongly enough to give you seed money for your new idea. If they won't do it, they why would I as stranger invest in you? ????Friends and family will likely not expect the same level of sophistication on the business model and financials as a professional investor, but they do expect to see certain things. Here is a summary of some key items to think about as an entrepreneur before approaching friends, family, or even fools: ????1. Don't be afraid to ask, carefully. If you set around quietly waiting for someone you know to offer you money to fund a startup, you will probably have a long wait. On the other hand, if you open every conversation with "I need money," you won't have any friends or any money. Practice your "elevator pitch," and end it by asking for the order. ????2. Be upbeat and respectful. Nothing kills everyone's optimism and desire to help quicker than a negative or arrogant attitude. If they are going to put cash into your company, chances are that they will expect to spend a fair amount of time together, either helping you or certainly discussing progress. Nobody likes a downer. ????3. Be passionate about the idea. Friends and family will quickly detect your level of sincerity and thought behind the idea. You need to convince them that you have been working on this vision for a long time, and have done the "due diligence" on all the potential knockoffs. Daydreams and "the idea of the moment" won't get much respect. |