聯邦儲備銀行行長的iPad通脹論 ????食品價格上漲幅度接近3%?汽車價格上漲28%?別擔心! ????無論這些指標跟普通大眾的聯系多么密切,經濟學家衡量通貨膨脹時,通常都會刨除這些成分。 ????今年三月,紐約聯邦儲備銀行(Federal Reserve Bank of New York)行長威廉?杜德利試圖向紐約皇后區的工薪階層解釋這些問題,結果卻搞砸了。 ????據路透社(Reuters)報道,杜德利說:“今天,你可以用購買iPad 1的價錢購買iPad 2,但是其功能卻是iPad 1的兩倍。我們需要考慮所有商品的價格。” ????在場的一位聽眾大聲反駁:“可是iPad不能當飯吃!”——安娜蓮?沈士奇 ????譯者:阿龍/喬樹靜 |
What inflation? Just buy an iPad ????Food prices up nearly 3%? Gas prices up 28%? Not to worry! ????When economists measure inflation they often like to strip out these choppy components, no matter how relevant they are to folks on Main Street. ????New York Fed President William Dudley was trying to explain this to a working class crowd in Queens, N.Y. in March, but instead, he kind of blew it. ????"Today you can buy an iPad 2 that costs the same as an iPad 1 that is twice as powerful," he said. "You have to look at the prices of all things," Reuters reported. ????An audience member hollered back, "I can't eat an iPad!" -- Annalyn |