


《財富》 2011-12-23





????黑客利用RSA攻擊中獲取的信息,在幾個月后又攻擊了國防承包公司洛克希德馬丁公司(Lockheed Martin)。據該公司稱,此次黑客攻擊事件是對其基礎設施的一次“重大且頑強的”網絡攻擊。——戴維?古德曼

RSA - the security company - gets hacked

????RSA, a preeminent security and encryption vendor, was itself hacked in March. How do you hack one of the most successful security companies? Send its employees phishing e-mails with malicious attachments containing the subject line "2011 Recruitment Plan."

????One worker opened the Excel file attached to the e-mail, which set loose a program letting the attacker control the employee's PC. From there, the attackers roamed through RSA's systems.

????The massive attack, which ensnared at least 760 companies, according to one researcher's investigation, hit RSA the hardest, rendering its popular SecurID tags less secure.

????Using information obtained in the RSA hack, attackers hit the IT systems of defense contractor Lockheed Martin a few months later, in what the company called a "significant and tenacious" cyber attack on its infrastructure. -- David Goldman


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