雅虎被逐女掌門沖冠一怒 ????雅虎CEO卡羅爾?巴茨被迫離職,并不值得大驚小怪。畢竟,公司全年一直都在苦苦掙扎。但即便人們早有預料,公司辭退她的方式仍然令人震驚:雅虎董事會主席羅伊?波斯托克敷衍了事地打個電話就把她趕出了公司。 ????之后,巴茨很快在發給全體員工的電子郵件中,向她的前下屬們公布了這則消息和自己被解雇的方式。短信的開頭是:“各位同仁,很不幸告訴大家,我剛剛被解雇了?!钡钣腥さ氖切诺慕Y尾行:“以上信息通過我的iPad發送?!?/p> ????看起來就像是巴茨剛剛掛斷波斯托克的電話,就馬上抓起鍵盤,怒不可遏地敲出了最后的告別信。 ????可她余怒未消。遭到解雇兩天之后,巴茨在接受《財富》雜志(Fortune)獨家采訪時,再次提到了將她掃地出門的雅虎董事會:“這幫家伙耍了我?!?/p> ????哦,卡羅爾,沒有了你,科技界將頓失色彩,以及你那“精彩的國罵”?!炖?波比頓 |
Carol Bartz's ouster: "Sent from my iPad" ????CEO Carol Bartz's forced departure from Yahoo was no big surprise -- the company had been visibly floundering all year. But even those who expected Bartz's firing were shocked by how the ax finally swung: Yahoo board chairman Roy Bostock dumped her unceremoniously by phone. ????Bartz relayed the news -- and the manner of her firing -- to her former charges in an all-hands email soon after. "To all, I am very sad to tell you that I've just been fired," the short missive began. But the best bit was its ending line: "Sent from my iPad." ????It's like Bartz hung up with Bostock and snatched up the nearest keyboard to bang out her final farewell. ????She wasn't done. Two days after she was sacked, Bartz gave an exclusive interview to Fortune, saying of the Yahoo board that fired her: "These people f---ed me over." ????Oh, Carol. The tech world will never be quite so colorful -- and full of four-letter words -- without you. -- Julianne Pepitone |