????今年早些時候,《財富》雜志(Fortune)曾報道,中國電信設備制造商華為公司(Huawei)曾努力在美國參與私營協議的競爭。但到目前為止,由于美國對國家安全問題的擔憂,這家發展迅速的公司在美卻頻頻受挫。去年,這家設備制造商的年銷售額已經達到了270億美元。 ????而近期,《財富》雜志獲悉,華為對外事務副總裁威廉?普拉莫呼吁公司的美國員工團結起來,代表公司爭取公平競爭的地位。《財富》日前獲取了一份郵件,普拉莫在這封主題為“行使權利,支持華為”的郵件中號召公司的美國員工向國會代表聯名上書。 ????這一事件的起因是什么?美國眾議院情報委員會(House Intelligence Committee)最近宣布,正在對中國的電信設備制造商進行調查。普拉莫在給公司員工的郵件中表示,美國密歇根州共和黨眾議員、情報委員會主席麥克?羅杰斯在調查名單中特別提到了華為、中興通訊(ZTE)兩家公司。中興目前在中國香港上市,也在調查之列。 ????普拉莫在給員工的郵件中號召他們,敦促議員們“對全球供應鏈所帶來的威脅進行開放的、全面的、基于事實的考量,而不是針對集成商或終端解決方案供應商”。(言外之意:如果華為會帶來安全挑戰,在中國開展業務、聘用中國工程師的美國公司豈不是同樣也會帶來安全憂患?) ????不過普拉莫明確表示,希望美國國會停止對華為的“特別關照”。他在信中附上了一份信函樣例(完整內容見下文),希望員工寄給他們支持的議員。信函的內容不斷提醒讀者,華為是一家正在快速發展的公司,有望創造更多的工作崗位。信中寫到:“我希望大家能注意到,國會的所作所為可能會對我與我的美國同事,以及其他國家同事的生計和家庭幸福帶來潛在的威脅。”目前,華為在美國本土有1,500名員工,在全球的員工人數達到了120,000人。 ????以下為信函樣例全文。普拉莫希望員工以各自的名義發送給國會議員: ????尊敬的<插入姓名>閣下: ????本人<插入姓名>以您的選民<若收件人為不在同一選區的情報委員會會員,則可用“一名美國公民”>的身份給您致信。我希望您能夠注意到,國會目前的行為可能會對我與我的美國同事,以及其他國家同事的生活和家庭幸福帶來潛在的威脅。 |
????Earlier this year Fortune chronicled China-based telecom equipment maker Huawei's efforts to win private contracts in the United States. Thus far the fast-growing gear maker, which last year had sales of $27 billion, has been thwarted by national security concerns. ????Now FORTUNE has learned that external relations VP William Plummer is asking Huawei's US employees to rally on behalf of the company. In an email obtained by Fortune, with the subject line "Exercising your Rights—Support of Huawei," Plummer asks US employees of the company to consider writing to their Congressional reps. ????At issue? A recently-announced U.S. House Intelligence Committee investigation into China-based telecom gear providers. According to Plummer's note to employees, Committee Chairman Mike Rogers, a Michigan Republican, specifically calls out Huawei. ZTE, another gear maker whose shares trade in Hong Kong, is also named in the investigation. ????Plummer's email to employees suggests that they encourage their representatives to pursue "an open, full and fact-based consideration of the threats presented by global supply chains, regardless of the integrator or end-solution supplier." (Tranlsation: Couldn't an American company with operations and engineers in China be just as likely a challenge to security as Huawei?) ????But Plummer clearly wants to Congress to lay off Huawei. His sample letter (full text below the fold) for employees to forward to their lawmakers, reminds the reader that Huawei is a growing company and a potential job creator. "I wanted to bring to your attention an ongoing Congressional activity that potentially threatens my livelihood and my family's well-being, as well as those of my American and other colleagues," the sample letter says. Huawei has more than 1,500 employees in the U.S., and 120,000 worldwide. ????Here's the complete text of the letter Plummer suggests employees personalize and send to their Congressional leaders: ????Dear: The Honorable <insert name> ????My name is?<insert name> |