????上世紀60年代,Tang果珍一度是美國文化的象征,而且深得宇航員鐘愛,不過如今在美國幾乎已經銷聲匿跡。但在其他國家,這種粉末飲料卻還在大賣特賣。自2006年以來,Tang果珍的全球銷量已經翻倍,達到10億美元。這一輝煌業績使它成為卡夫(Kraft)旗下的12個10億美元品牌之一。銷量最高的市場分別為巴西、阿根廷、墨西哥和中東地區。(美國市場甚至未能擠進前五。)卡夫表示,Tang果珍在發展中國家大受歡迎的原因在于價格低廉而且有營養(這倒未必)。而且,卡夫為Tang果珍添加了檸檬、胡椒和刺果番茄等當地口味。橘子口味仍然是最受歡迎的,緊隨其后的是芒果口味。 ????譯者:項航 |
????Once an American cultural icon and the favorite drink of astronauts in the '60s, Tang has mostly fallen off the radar in the U.S. Elsewhere, though, the powdered beverage is booming. Since 2006, Tang's worldwide sales have doubled to $1 billion, making it one of 12 billion-dollar brands for Kraft. Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, and the Middle East are the top markets. (The U.S. doesn't even crack the top five.) Kraft (KFT) says drinkers in the developing world like it for its low price and (ahem) nutrition. Plus, Kraft has added local flavors like lemon pepper and soursop. Orange is still the most popular, with mango a close second. |