


Martin Zwilling 2011-11-17



????1. 經營公司是你一直以來夢寐以求的事。這一點對于現在創業來說很必要,但只有這一點還不夠。這一點與“我想改變世界(自愿投身某項事業)”或者“我已經受夠了公司的折磨(去休假)”很不一樣。創業意味著必須擁有一個很有吸引力的生意點子,并且欣然準備直面風險。

????2. 你知道該采取什么行動而且不懼做出決定。能做到這一點的人就很適合給自己當老板。這樣的人能從克服困難的過程中獲得極大滿足感,而且完全能夠對自己決策的后果負責,無論是對是錯。制定并執行計劃對你來說從來都不是什么難事。

????3. 你對賺大錢的機會感到無比興奮。你肯定讀過谷歌(Google)和蘋果公司(Apple)的故事,他們的創始人當初靈光乍現,想出了很棒的點子,并且打破常規,在短短數年之內就獲利不菲。你很喜歡這一點,那就是賺到的錢大部分都歸你自己,而不是被并入公司利潤。

????4. 你相信當前的經濟形勢對你有利。最近經濟不景氣已經為新產品打開了機會之門,同時用工成本低廉的熟練技工也大有人在。曾經有很多偉大的企業家都是在經濟不景氣和衰退剛剛結束的階段開創企業的。

????5. 你擅長設定最后期限,自行安排事情的優先秩序。你總覺得如果能按照自己的規劃一步步做事,最終的成果將超出老板的預期。自我激勵對你來說比額外獎勵甚至漲薪還要有效。

????6. 你希望換換口味,從事更有趣的事情。首先,創業是你自己的夢想,而不是別人的。在這個前提下,你可以委派或者尋找合伙人去負責那些你認為無趣的事,比如行銷,你不必親自上陣做自己不感興趣的事。

????7. 各種各樣的挑戰能充分讓你施展能力。如果你熱愛學習新事物,能夠受到變革的鼓舞,你將會非常喜歡一個全新的商業環境。每一天都是不同的,包括處理創新性的事務、達成財務目標、市場營銷和銷售,以及面對形形色色的客戶。

????8. 擁有稱心如意的辦公地點。很多企業家喜歡在家工作,他們覺得更自在,同時還能跟家人有更好的互動。還有些人喜歡位于市中心自由隔斷的閣樓空間或者當地的咖啡館,這樣能讓通勤路程最短。當今時代全球化程度如此之高,即使你在地球另一端開辦企業也不成問題。

????9. 你的創業構想實現起來并不難。實際上,在最近二十年,進入大多數行業的門檻成本已經大幅下降。現在用100美元就能成立一家電子商務網站,或者以數千美元來進行智能手機應用軟件的開發。如果你已經做好了充分的調查,相信自己的技能和知識可以輕松勝任,那你就適合創業。

????10. 你確實已經為第二職業做好準備。這尤其適用于嬰兒潮一代,以及那些事業有成、現已做好準備迎接新挑戰、同時又擁有閑暇時間的人士。對于這群人來說,創立自己的公司還有一個好處:你甚至不用放棄現有的工作。


????馬丁?茲威靈,初創企業專業咨詢公司(Startup Professionals Inc.)首席執行官、創始人。


????Many budding entrepreneurs struggle mightily with that first step – out of their comfort zone and into the unknown. They keep asking people like me whether the time is right, and the truth is that there's never an ideal time to start your own business. It's like starting a personal relationship, if you wait for exactly the right time, you'll never do it.

????I've talked to many experts, and everyone has his own view of the right personal attributes, and the right business conditions to jump in. In my own view, the recovering economy is ripe for new startups, but successful startups are more about the right person, than the right idea or the right climate. So the real challenge is looking inward to check your alignment with these clues:

????1. Running a business is a passion you crave.This is a necessary, but not sufficient reason to start a business now. It's not the same as "I want to change the world (volunteer for a good cause)" or "I'm tired of the corporate grind (take a vacation)." It does mean you have a compelling new business idea, and a willingness to face risk.

????2. You know what needs to be done, and not afraid to make the decisions.This is the right context for being your own boss. You get great satisfaction from overcoming all obstacles, and you have no problem with living or dying by your own decisions. You have never had a problem putting together a plan and making it happen

????3. The opportunity to make real money excites you.You have read all the stories of Google and Apple hitting on a great idea, beating the odds, and being worth millions in just a couple of years. You like the idea that most of the money you make will be yours, not just merged into corporate profits.

????4. You believe the economy has tilted the odds in your favor.The recent recession has definitely opened up opportunities for new products, and skilled people at lower costs are abundant. Many of the great entrepreneurs of the past started their companies near business recessions and depressions.

????5. You get to set the deadlines, and manage your own priorities.You have always felt that you can do more than expected by current bosses, if allowed to do it on your own schedule with your own milestones. Your self-motivation is more effective for you than any arbitrary rewards and even salary increases.

????6. You get to do the interesting things, for a change.First of all, the business you intend to set up is your dream, not someone else's. Within that context, you can delegate or find partners for things that bore you, like marketing, rather than feel that you have been assigned to do the least interesting work.

????7. A variety of challenges stretches your abilities to the maximum.If you love to learn new things, and are stimulated by change, you will love the new business environment. Every day is different, from dealing with creative elements, to financial challenges, marketing and sales, and customers of every type.

????8. Your office is where you want it.Many entrepreneurs enjoy working from their home, where they are more comfortable, and can interact better with their family. Some like an old eclectic loft downtown, or a local coffee shop to minimize the commute. In these days of global links, you can actually run the business from halfway around the world.

????9. What you envision doesn't seem all that hard to you.In fact, the cost of entry into most businesses has come down greatly in the last twenty years. You can now start an e-commerce site for $100, or develop software applications for smart phones for a few thousand. The right reason to start a business is because you have done your homework, and are convinced that you have the skills and knowledge to do it easily.

????10. You are really ready for a second career.This is especially applicable to Boomers and anyone who has had a successful career, but now ready for a new challenge, with a little time on their hands. The good part of having your own business is that you don't even have to give up your first job to start the second.

????If a few of these reasons are calling your name, now is the time to start building your business. There's no better time, especially if people around you are hesitating due to an apparent fit to my other list. It means you'll be facing a lot less competition. What are you waiting for?

????Martin Zwilling is CEO & Founder of Startup Professionals Inc.


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