緊湊車陣線仍是一片空白 ????克萊斯勒近來雖然銷量激增,但在市場容量巨大的緊湊車市場上卻沒有自己的一席之地。它的上一款緊湊車型克萊斯勒彩虹(Neon)早在2005年就停產了?,F在克萊斯勒的所有緊湊車型都是跨界SUV,比如指南者、吉普愛國者、道奇酷博。這就相當于把一塊巨大的市場蛋糕拱手讓給了豐田(Toyota)卡羅拉、本田(Honda)思域、福特福克斯和雪佛蘭(Chevrolet)克魯茲等競爭對手。明年道奇將推出一款基于菲亞特平臺的緊湊車型,以填補公司在這一領域的空白,預計此舉將給克萊斯勒帶來寶貴的銷售增量。 ??? 自從上世紀90年代的道奇歐米尼(Dodge Omni)和普利茅斯地平線(Plymouth Horizon)之后,克萊斯勒就再也沒有推出過微型車了,從而又把這塊市場徹底讓給了本田飛度、福特嘉年華、現代(Hyundai)雅紳特和日產(Nissan)騏達。不過克萊斯勒已經承諾未來將填補這片空白——這也是提升公司銷量的另一個機會。微型車的利潤雖然比較單薄,但是只要能帶來新顧客,經銷商們還是會歡欣鼓舞,而且由此帶來的額外銷量也會進一步鞏固克萊斯勒的地位。 |
Compact White Space ????Chrysler has surged despite having no entries in the high-volume compact car segment. The automaker's last compact, the Neon, called it quits in 2005, and today, all of Chrysler's current compact entries are crossover SUVs: Compass, Jeep Patriot, and Dodge Caliber. That leaves a huge chunk of the market to competitors like the Toyota Corolla, Honda Civic, Ford Focus, and Chevrolet Cruze. Next year, the white space gets filled with a new Dodge based on a Fiat platform that will contribute valuable incremental sales. ??? Chrysler hasn't produced a car for the subcompact segment since the Dodge Omni and Plymouth Horizon drove off to that big garage in the sky in 1990. That's ceded another chunk of the market to the likes of the Honda Fit, Ford Fiesta, Hyundai Accent and Nissan Versa. Chrysler promises to fill the void in the future -- another opportunity for additional sales. Profits will be scarce, but dealers will be happy to win new customers, and the additional volume will boost Chrysler's standing. |